Trump said that Haiti was a "shitbox country", and then he claimed that Haitians legally living in Ohio were eating people's cats and dogs. This resulted in many bomb threats from racist idiots. Schools were closed, events wee cancelled, and it was a lie, As Shady Vance later admitted. Trump said not a word about how John McCain was not born in the USA (which he wasn't: he was born in the Canal Zone). But he made up the whole birther bit because Obama was not a White guy. Trump was fined for rwefusing to rent to Black people. He is a racist and he uses racist rhetoric to get the neo Nazis, Kluxxers and redneck racists all with their tighty whities twisted.
He seeems to have stopped hiring Black people to stand behind him at his rallies. Maybe the word got around that he doesn't pay people as he promises.