Janet Jackson doubts whether Kamala can legitimately claim to be black

When you are bankrupt you are bankrupt. I am sure we will be again reminded that Trump condemned neo Nazis and white nationalists. Never mind that he also praised them. We will be reminded again as if this is a gotcha moment no matter how many time we accept that he also condemned them.
What exact wording proves Trump singled out either white or black hate groups for praised? He said nothing of the sort.
What exact wording proves Trump singled out either white or black hate groups for praised? He said nothing of the sort.
Huh? That did not follow at all.

You could not answer this simple question: Where there any persons carrying a torch and chanting “Jews will not replace us” whom you consider to be good people?

You cannot answer this simple question because you are not an honest senator.
Trump-"I'm not talking about the neo Nazis or the white nationalists they should be condemned totally."
Lying libtard-he called “good people” carrying torches and chanting “Jews will not replace us”

Trump-"I'm not talking about the neo Nazis or the white nationalists they should be condemned totally."
Lying libtard-
he was catering to the neo nazis and kluxxers when he made it.

Again 3 times I wrote a post where I put what Trump said condemning these people in quotations. Verbatim! I pasted the video where you can hear him say that and wrote where in the video he said it. Yet we had numerous posts by Gabriel and Random guy that ignored that.

You people are shit. You are trash! You are lying pieces of shit! See the quote? Trump clearly said he was not calling neo-nazis or white nationalists good people and said they should be condemned. WTF more do you want?

Dishonest pieces of shit!
I asked 4+ times: was anyone carrying torches and chanting “Jews will not replace us” among one of those good people?

Seems you cannot or will not answer that question. That tells me all I need to know.

You could have said this after I asked 4+ times: ‘anyone who carries torches while chanting “Jews will not replace us” is not a good person.’ But you did not. The fact that you refuse tells me what I need to know.


P.s. your name callings reveals even more of you.
I asked 4+ times: was anyone carrying torches and chanting “Jews will not replace us” among one of those good people?

Seems you cannot or will not answer that question. That tells me all I need to know.

You could have said this after I asked 4+ times: ‘anyone who carries torches while chanting “Jews will not replace us” is not a good person.’ But you did not. The fact that you refuse tells me what I need to know.


P.s. your name callings reveals even more of you.

They are not good people and Trump said that.

You are dishonest to keep mentioning it over and over again.
Trump said that Haiti was a "shitbox country", and then he claimed that Haitians legally living in Ohio were eating people's cats and dogs. This resulted in many bomb threats from racist idiots. Schools were closed, events wee cancelled, and it was a lie, As Shady Vance later admitted. Trump said not a word about how John McCain was not born in the USA (which he wasn't: he was born in the Canal Zone). But he made up the whole birther bit because Obama was not a White guy. Trump was fined for rwefusing to rent to Black people. He is a racist and he uses racist rhetoric to get the neo Nazis, Kluxxers and redneck racists all with their tighty whities twisted.

He seeems to have stopped hiring Black people to stand behind him at his rallies. Maybe the word got around that he doesn't pay people as he promises.
They are not good people and Trump said that.

You are dishonest to keep mentioning it over and over again.
Thank you for the direct answer (and please stop the name calling).

So anyone who carried torches and chanted “jews will not replace us” are NOT good people. Good.

It seems to me from memory that in the video I saw they were ALL carrying torches and chanting. Am I mistaken on that?
Huh? That did not follow at all.

You could not answer this simple question: Where there any persons carrying a torch and chanting “Jews will not replace us” whom you consider to be good people?

You cannot answer this simple question because you are not an honest senator. I asked 4+ times: was anyone carrying torches and chanting “Jews will not replace us” among one of those good people?
Trump never praised wackos on either side of the protesting mob.
Thank you for the direct answer (and please stop the name calling).

So anyone who carried torches and chanted “jews will not replace us” are NOT good people. Good.

It seems to me from memory that in the video I saw they were ALL carrying torches and chanting. Am I mistaken on that?

Who the fuck are you to demand answers from me? What about those people chanting kill the Hmong? What about the anti aboriginal Australians(Boris)? Were they good people? Well were they punk?

You people draw from a dishonest premise that Trump called a bunch of Nazis good people. You had the truth shoved right in your face and were proven to be dishonest because he condemned them. That is your retort? Apologize and go screw.
Trump is a racist and he uses racism to attract people and make them get angry about the government that he barely understands and they know even less about. I think the country would be vastly better off if Trump just disappeared. Perhaps to Leavenworth.
Who the fuck are you to demand answers from me? What about those people chanting kill the Hmong? What about the anti aboriginal Australians(Boris)? Were they good people? Well were they punk?

You people draw from a dishonest premise that Trump called a bunch of Nazis good people. You had the truth shoved right in your face and were proven to be dishonest because he condemned them. That is your retort? Apologize and go screw.
You asked me questions I asked you. Your use of “demand” is just amateurish.

Premise or not you cannot answer a simple question.

If you had good retort you would not resort to name callings.

I have asked several pointed questions. You answered only one. Maybe like some snowflakes you consider them gotcha questions. In reality they are likely inconvenient questions.
You asked me questions I asked you. Your use of “demand” is just amateurish.

Premise or not you cannot answer a simple question.

If you had good retort you would not resort to name callings.

I have asked several pointed questions. You answered only one. Maybe like some snowflakes you consider them gotcha questions. In reality they are likely inconvenient questions.

Trump is the one who said there were good people on both sides. Your idiot question asked over and over again suggests you are accusing Trump of hating Jews. You also ignored that he condemned extremists and did not include those people among those he called "good people".

So what is your point exactly? That Trump who has three Jewish grandchildren hates Jews? And where do you get off asking me or Mark questions?

The bottom line is that you pushed a dishonest premise based on lies about what Trump said and did not say regarding Charlottesville. He did not say that Nazis or extremists were good people. He went out of his way to say the opposite and condemned people like that.

The fact you keep pushing that lie makes you and Gabriel liars.
Trump is the one who said there were good people on both sides. Your idiot question asked over and over again suggests you are accusing Trump of hating Jews. You also ignored that he condemned extremists and did not include those people among those he called "good people".
I explicitly said I do not think Trump hate Jews. You keep reflexively not answering my questions and hurling insults.

I have also asked several pointed questions. You answered just one. You keep responding and keep making comments but for some reason would not answer my questions. however I believe I have answered most if not all your questions. I have nothing to hide.
So what is your point exactly? That Trump who has three Jewish grandchildren hates Jews? And where do you get off asking me or Mark questions?
Yet one more time: I do not think Trump hate Jews specefically. And the claim that Trump has three Jewish grand children is almost the same as the old trope as “some of my friends are black.”
The bottom line is that you pushed a dishonest premise based on lies about what Trump said and did not say regarding Charlottesville. He did not say that Nazis or extremists were good people. He went out of his way to say the opposite and condemned people like that.
I never said he did. he called torch bearing chanting “Jews will not replace us” people good people. You don’t deny that but do not affirm it either. You insinuate that it is wrong but never explain why it is wrong. What do you have to hide?
The fact you keep pushing that lie makes you and Gabriel liars.
I have admitted that he said neo Nazis should be condemned. But he also implied the opposite. You dot speak to my several points but keep repeating the same nonsense again and again.
Why do I have to explain why something is wrong like I'm some fucking criminal? Who in the fuck do you think you are?

Yet one more time: I do not think Trump hate Jews specefically. And the claim that Trump has three Jewish grand children is almost the same as the old trope as “some of my friends are black.”

Only an idiot would say that.