K: "What are you going to do to bring down inflation and prices?" K goes like, 'Thank you for that excellent question which I will address on day 1'

I posted it and highlighted!
You did. Thank you and thanks for being nice about it.

The highlighted excerpt is at best inartful and not even a direct quote.

I seriously doubt Harris meant the ENTIRE armed cops be replaced. But if folks wanna go with such outrageous claim just to impress their extremists followers, so be it.
You did. Thank you and thanks for being nice about it.

The highlighted excerpt is at best inartful and not even a direct quote.

I seriously doubt Harris meant the ENTIRE armed cops be replaced. But if folks wanna go with such outrageous claim just to impress their extremists followers, so be it.
Thanks for this. IMO these do not substantiate that she wants the ENTIRE armed ops to be replaced.

Let me ask you this: do YOU believe she wants the ENTIRE armed cops to be replaced?

IMO this is an outrageous and (still) unsubstantiated claim.
Thanks for this. IMO these do not substantiate that she wants the ENTIRE armed ops to be replaced.

Let me ask you this: do YOU believe she wants the ENTIRE armed cops to be replaced?

IMO this is an outrageous and (still) unsubstantiated claim.
Who said that? I never did say she would. It’s clear what she would allow. And if she is in, people will do what the hell they want even more. Just as some do now with Biden.
Who said that? I never did say she would. It’s clear what she would allow. And if she is in, people will do what the hell they want even more. Just as some do now with Biden.
She is advocating to perhaps abolish some depts in police force and create others that include social workers. I think that is very smart and long overdue.

But posters on your side keep using their own terminology such “replace” and “taking over” to gaslight people in thinking that she wants to replace the ENTIRE armed cops.

When this is all done, yes Trump and his close allies will be blamed but imo so will be the millions of people who either supported Trump or stayed quiet and allowed Trump to commit his dastardly deeds.
She is advocating to perhaps abolish some depts in police force and create others that include social workers. I think that is very smart and long overdue.

But posters on your side keep using their own terminology such “replace” and “taking over” to gaslight people in thinking that she wants to replace the ENTIRE armed cops.

When this is all done, yes Trump and his close allies will be blamed but imo so will be the millions of people who either supported Trump or stayed quiet and allowed Trump to commit his dastardly deeds.
And you are clearly blind as to what is happening or better yet, refuse to see. Oh well. That’s life!
And you are clearly blind as to what is happening or better yet, refuse to see. Oh well. That’s life!
I give specifics and arguments. You could examine my arguments.

In response you give opinions and platitudes without any arguments so they would not be examined.

Ce la vie.
How trumpian of you to first make an outrageous claim and when asked for proof doubling down and merely repeating the same outrageous claim.

“Taking over” is intentionally and dastardly ambiguous. Give a direct quote where she says that or just stop responding.
You have not tried to explain what you think Kamala is trying to imagine by replacing armed police officers with something better.
You did. Thank you and thanks for being nice about it.

The highlighted excerpt is at best inartful and not even a direct quote.

I seriously doubt Harris meant the ENTIRE armed cops be replaced. But if folks wanna go with such outrageous claim just to impress their extremists followers, so be it.
What portions of police departments do Kamala imagine need to be replaced and why? Why should we agree with her if she does not explain herself and how does she get away with telling Americans she plans to make major changes to law enforcement that she never proves need to be made?
Fair enough as long as you admit that is merely your opinion. And I gave you my take and justified it too. We can leave at that.

On a related matter i think it is idiotic to claim that Harris advocated the ENTIRE armed cops to be replaced by social workers. When a mere opinion without any substantiation is outrageously unlikely, likely it is either innocently mistaken or as it is often in this forum likely a dastardly misinformation/gaslighting.
She wants to defund police she feels they are unfair to black illegals and criminals in general she supported BLM and help raise fund to bail them out and some were very bad people .

Her upbringing as a Marxist seems to have gone by ll liberals heads nd they are in denial a out it She has openly talked about her policy's in the past and while she is publicly saying different we all know deep down she's lying and will revert back.. Joe screwed us pretty good but its nothing to what she will do,.

Rember I said that.
She is advocating to perhaps abolish some depts in police force and create others that include social workers. I think that is very smart and long overdue.

But posters on your side keep using their own terminology such “replace” and “taking over” to gaslight people in thinking that she wants to replace the ENTIRE armed cops.

When this is all done, yes Trump and his close allies will be blamed but imo so will be the millions of people who either supported Trump or stayed quiet and allowed Trump to commit his dastardly deeds.
You seem eager to support her vague plans she never details nor convinces us need her style of reimagining.
You have not tried to explain what you think Kamala is trying to imagine by replacing armed police officers with something better.
Yes, explaining common sense to savages is tiring. Lol

But did not see the irony of what you say above? Do you lot have any sense of self awareness? If this is intentional on your part, then I have to say you are a very incompetent gaslighter.
What portions of police departments do Kamala imagine need to be replaced and why? Why should we agree with her if she does not explain herself and how does she get away with telling Americans she plans to make major changes to law enforcement that she never proves need to be made?
Good questions. I do not know. But I am sure if one does some research one will find which police departments are objectionable to the left. What is clear is that she wants to add social workers to the force but say that is prima facie reasonable. But I bet you are against that. For you it is, “why treat even non violent offenders with humanity when we can shoot a few bullets to their heads.”
Good questions. I do not know. But I am sure if one does some research one will find which police departments are objectionable to the left. What is clear is that she wants to add social workers to the force but say that is prima facie reasonable. But I bet you are against that. For you it is, “why treat even non violent offenders with humanity when we can shoot a few bullets to their heads.”
Crooks, thugs, drug users and pushers, murderers, and other kinds of lawless degenerates imagine that we need to replaced armed police officers with singing, smiling, and dancing social workers with unlimited budgets.