Kamala's proposals are nothing more than furtherance of decades old failed democrat communist policies

God will help me every day before, during, and after November until such time as He receives my soul and spirit at my death.
How arrogant are you to suggest you know your destination? You cannot possibly know that apart from the fact it's never been recorded anyone goes anywhere.
Soul and spirit??
You're ass soul probably.
You try to cloud the issue but fail to prove Fauci was not receiving millions of dollars in royalties off drug patents he did not develop and yet claimed he was owed royalties for.

why would I try to prove something I dont claim? duh.
but of course you try and cloud the issue by posting something stupid instead of proving your claim.
god you must enjoy looking stupid here lol
i wish she was a marxist

then poor people would have a decent health system like cuba and the nordic countries

comrade stalin
Nationwide, food producers make less than 2% profit per year. That is not enough for Marxists to slap socialist price controls on the industry and still keep it alive.
That is a lie. Perhaps they make 2% PER TRANSACTION. And they repeat the same transaction several times a week.
Mark makes up crap and copies corporate propaganda. No reason whatever to keep him seriously.
i wish she was a marxist

then poor people would have a decent health system like cuba and the nordic countries

comrade stalin

Comrade Stalin dumbass?

"Nordic" countries are not Marxist systems. Not even close.

Top 5 ranked countries in healthcare are Asian.
i wish she was a marxist

then poor people would have a decent health system like cuba and the nordic countries

comrade stalin
Commies lure dummies into accepting communism by promising the rubes free stuff in exchange for giving up freedom and rights.
That is a lie. Perhaps they make 2% PER TRANSACTION. And they repeat the same transaction several times a week.
Mark makes up crap and copies corporate propaganda. No reason whatever to keep him seriously.

Net Profit Less Than Two PenniesOn Each Dollar of Food SalesThe intense competition among food retailers for theconsumer dollar is best demonstrated by profit marginsthat continue to be less then 2 cents on each dollar ofsales. For fiscal year 2006-07, the industry’s after-tax netprofit was 1.46 percent, according to FMI’s 2006-2007Annual Financial Review (see Figure 1). This

Net Profit Less Than Two PenniesOn Each Dollar of Food SalesThe intense competition among food retailers for theconsumer dollar is best demonstrated by profit marginsthat continue to be less then 2 cents on each dollar ofsales. For fiscal year 2006-07, the industry’s after-tax netprofit was 1.46 percent, according to FMI’s 2006-2007Annual Financial Review (see Figure 1). This
food retailers aren't the entire supply chain of food. duh
Comrade Stalin dumbass?

"Nordic" countries are not Marxist systems. Not even close.

Top 5 ranked countries in healthcare are Asian.
no data provided of course to support these eye-raising claims

if you want to talk about marxism, and i would be delighted to talk about it, why not start with some knowledge about it.

here is a good start..then maybe you can move on to Das Kapital

"The Manifesto concludes that capitalism does not offer humanity the possibility of self-realization, instead ensuring that humans are perpetually stunted and alienated. It theorizes that capitalism will bring about its own destruction by polarizing and unifying the proletariat, and predicts that a revolution will lead to the emergence of communism, a classless society in which "the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all". Marx and Engels propose the following transitional policies: the abolition of private property in land and inheritance; introduction of a progressive income tax; confiscation of rebels' property; nationalisation of credit, communication, and transport; expansion and integration of industry and agriculture; enforcement of universal obligation of labour; and provision of universal education and abolition of child labour. The text ends with a decisive and famous call for solidarity, popularized as the slogan "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains"

when this was published, young children worked in mines

as you can see..in the "west" most of these proposals are now universal..

in cuba and former "communist" countries..land ownership is higher than anywhere else

contrast that with the "free world" where young people cannot afford house ownership

comrade stalin
from the manifesto

"Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty
generally applicable.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all
rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and

5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by
means of a national bank with State capital and an
exclusive monopoly.

6. Centralisation of the means of communication and
transport in the hands of the State.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production
owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of
waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in
accordance with a common plan.

8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of
industrial armies, especially for agriculture

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing
industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between
town and country by a more equable distribution of the
populace over the country.

10. Free education for all children in public schools.
Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form.
Combination of education with industrial production,
&c, &c.

i have, and can, debate all these in great detail...

comrade stalin

comrade stalin
no data provided of course to support these eye-raising claims

if you want to talk about marxism, and i would be delighted to talk about it, why not start with some knowledge about it.

here is a good start..then maybe you can move on to Das Kapital

"The Manifesto concludes that capitalism does not offer humanity the possibility of self-realization, instead ensuring that humans are perpetually stunted and alienated. It theorizes that capitalism will bring about its own destruction by polarizing and unifying the proletariat, and predicts that a revolution will lead to the emergence of communism, a classless society in which "the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all". Marx and Engels propose the following transitional policies: the abolition of private property in land and inheritance; introduction of a progressive income tax; confiscation of rebels' property; nationalisation of credit, communication, and transport; expansion and integration of industry and agriculture; enforcement of universal obligation of labour; and provision of universal education and abolition of child labour. The text ends with a decisive and famous call for solidarity, popularized as the slogan "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains"

when this was published, young children worked in mines

as you can see..in the "west" most of these proposals are now universal..

in cuba and former "communist" countries..land ownership is higher than anywhere else

contrast that with the "free world" where young people cannot afford house ownership

comrade stalin

So all progress and sensible policies are Marxist? Nobody needed Marx to end child labor or to have public education. Compulsory education began long before Marx was born.

Is Venezuela a richer country since turning to Marxism? Only an idiot thinks that Marxism is a solution to anything.

According to the Heritage foundation Sweden-Denmark-Norway have more economic freedom than the USA.

Comrade Stalin dumbass?

"Nordic" countries are not Marxist systems. Not even close.

Top 5 ranked countries in healthcare are Asian.
The Cuban medical system has a lot of doctors, but drugs are often unavailable.
The Scandinavian countries have life expectancies very close to those of Japan and Korea.
In 2005, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told the Associated Press that he donates royalty payments he receives from the licensees of products he helped develop while working for the National Institutes of Health. ...
You lie in every single post. Your participation here is despicable.