Kamala: I will lower drug costs by snatching patents from drug companies once I am in charge and I will set drug prices where I think they should be.

If you have not noticed no one, if anyone, gives a damn about your religious beliefs. Please take your religious crap to a religious board. I suspect many here are not Christian. Why are you so rude to impose your religious views on others? Where are your Christian manners?
The basic problem with Christians is they claim that they are the only one true religion, and often only THEIR SPECIFIC VERSION of it. Islam suffers from the same problem.

The Japanese live as Shinto followers, but when they die, they follow Buddhist practices. Taoists are not banned from believing in Buddhist ideology.
The basic problem with Christians is they claim that they are the only one true religion, and often only THEIR SPECIFIC VERSION of it. Islam suffers from the same problem.

The Japanese live as Shinto followers, but when they die, they follow Buddhist practices. Taoists are not banned from believing in Buddhist ideology.
lol don't almost all religions claim they are the only real religion.
And why is that a problem ?
lol don't almost all religions claim they are the only real religion.
And why is that a problem ?
Intolerance is always a threat to harmony, and often becomes violent. Duh!
Only Islam and Christianity and sects within them actually claim that all religions but theirs are evil and heretical and should be banned or ignored.
Here is a couple logic questions:

say there is an ordinary substance that when ingested would terminate pregnancy. Should women be prohibited from taking such substances? Don’t women have the right to decide what to eat or not to eat?

Say a woman decides to refrain from eating altogether, resulting in her poor health and the termination of her pregnancy. Should she be forced fed?
Democrats deliberately starved Terri Schiavo to death because her husband wanted her dead and she did not die the first time he tried to kill her. Don't talk to me about having compassion on babies or mothers.
If you have not noticed no one, if anyone, gives a damn about your religious beliefs. Please take your religious crap to a religious board. I suspect many here are not Christian. Why are you so rude to impose your religious views on others? Where are your Christian manners?
I put up with the atheist and hedonist religious views here so they can put up with my Christian views.
I put up with the atheist and hedonist religious views here so they can put up with my Christian views.
Amazingly enough I do not recall anyone referring to their atheism or hedonism religion in order to make any policy arguments. It’s just you. And you don’t give a damn about decorum. You are the type who would pee in a public pool for convenience. You give Christians a bad name.

But go ahead and give one example of this supposed atheist or hidonist views.