Bernie Sanders explains that Kamala's pretend abandonment of her far left views are just tricks to fool people into voting for her

I clearly see you don't get it
Does that help?
You clearly do not! I see it loud and clear. I cannot believe you do not. I can see how you do not see that Harris is lying! Hate Trump is fine, but he will close the border, refund the police, lower rates, money in our pockets, etc! Don’t you see what she and Walz will do?
You clearly do not! I see it loud and clear. I cannot believe you do not. I can see how you do not see that Harris is lying! Hate Trump is fine, but he will close the border, refund the police, lower rates, money in our pockets, etc! Don’t you see what she and Walz will do?
Close the border lol you think that can be done lololol
Police aren't f7nded federally duh
Lower rates? He doesn't control rates
M9neybin pockets? Not with tarrifs
God you are stupid lol
Close the border lol you think that can be done lololol
Police aren't f7nded federally duh
Lower rates? He doesn't control rates
M9neybin pockets? Not with tarrifs
God you are stupid lol
Ok I have you a chance! You are oblivious and clueless! You are the one that is stupid of what controls the whole system! Biden opened the fucking border first week in office! Then a bill comes out three years later that they say trump stopped! lol funny! They knew stupid ass people like you watching CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC would fall for it and you did! Wow! Amazing! Good luck! I’m done with stupidity! If Harris does bad at debate someone will probably try to get Trump again! November long way off! I know exactly what is going on! You sir, or it, do not!
Ok I have you a chance! You are oblivious and clueless! You are the one that is stupid of what controls the whole system! Biden opened the fucking border first week in office! Then a bill comes out three years later that they say trump stopped! lol funny! They knew stupid ass people like you watching CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC would fall for it and you did! Wow! Amazing! Good luck! I’m done with stupidity! If Harris does bad at debate someone will probably try to get Trump again! November long way off! I know exactly what is going on! You sir, or it, do not!
Prove Trump can close the border
Expla8n how he will lower rates
Ok I have you a chance! You are oblivious and clueless! You are the one that is stupid of what controls the whole system! Biden opened the fucking border first week in office! Then a bill comes out three years later that they say trump stopped! lol funny! They knew stupid ass people like you watching CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC would fall for it and you did! Wow! Amazing! Good luck! I’m done with stupidity! If Harris does bad at debate someone will probably try to get Trump again! November long way off! I know exactly what is going on! You sir, or it, do not!
He's a delusional, narcissistic liberal suck up who is in denial.
I did not need old commie loving Burned out Bernie to tell me that.
She screwed her way into politics was raised by a father who was a Marxist . Only thing that lies more then a Marxist is a Democrat raised by a Marxist. Or a commie lol.
You clearly do not! I see it loud and clear. I cannot believe you do not. I can see how you do not see that Harris is lying! Hate Trump is fine, but he will close the border, refund the police, lower rates, money in our pockets, etc! Don’t you see what she and Walz will do?
Most of the lug nuts here are socialist one has admitted he hoped she was a socialist or a Marxist .
Close the border lol you think that can be done lololol
Police aren't f7nded federally duh
Lower rates? He doesn't control rates
M9neybin pockets? Not with tarrifs
God you are stupid lol
Trying to remove the stupidity and evil from Kamala'a policies is a fool's errand.
Prove Trump can close the border
Expla8n how he will lower rates
At least Trump supports the American majority calling for the border to be closed. Biden and Kamala as well as the rest of the demented democrats have no intention of closing the border no matter how many tens of millions of Americans want them to do it.