Kamala's proposals are nothing more than furtherance of decades old failed democrat communist policies

I took 2 seconds to look at the stock prices for food companies to see if this inflationary period was a banner period for them. It has not been. Campbell's soup stock is the same price it was in 2021. Conagra is actually a little lower.

General mills is up about 25%. No indication at all from financial reports and stock performance that the food industry has had this boon from gauging consumers.

Idiot Kamala says things that are down right scary. She talks about the government stealing patents from companies and price fixing. No intelligent person can vote for that.

I'm very much an economic moderate. I do not want more tax cuts for the rich and I'm not for cutting social spending. Her attitudes are moronic.
Nationwide, food producers make less than 2% profit per year. That is not enough for Marxists to slap socialist price controls on the industry and still keep it alive.
Harris didn't talk about stealing any patents there is a law that allows the government to reclaim them so no it's not stealing
In fact, Fauci has already given himself ownership of dozens of drug patents as government drug czar, which has resulted in large multiplications of his personal wealth.
Communism in a few simple illustrations:

What did socialists use before candles?
... Electricity
What's the difference between communism and a pencil?
The pencil works on things other than paper.
I knew you were too simple and too stupid to define communism you're just a right-wing Winer with an IQ under 50LOL
In fact, Fauci has already given himself ownership of dozens of drug patents as government drug czar, which has resulted in large multiplications of his personal wealth.
Prove that with specific numbers and examples instead of your usual right-wing wine
You'd need to actually READ the shareholders' report to the actual details. There are many ways that corporations minimize profits: stock buy backs, acquisitions of smaller companies, executive bonuses. And Conagra and Campbell's Soup are only two among thousands of companies that produce food products.

Look at the prices they are charging.
You don't attack farmers and grocery stores with price controls if you want to keep eating. If you think corporations that own interests like food producers are evil and greedy then you must address the assumed problem of greed at the Stock Market level, not at the point of grocery store purchases and pickups on Main St.
I knew you were too simple and too stupid to define communism you're just a right-wing Winer with an IQ under 50LOL
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What is Communism? Definition and meaning - Market Business News
Communism is a political and economic system that aims to create a classless society where the public owns the major means of production, such as factories and mines. In a communist society, there is no government, private property, or currency, and wealth is shared equally among citizens or based on need. The goal of communism is to eliminate socioeconomic class struggles by redistributing income and ensuring that everyone shares the benefits of labor equally.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' 1848 The Communist Manifesto is a seminal work that outlines many of communism's tenets. Marx's theory has three main aspects: a materialist conception of history, a critique of capitalism, and an account of how capitalism would be overthrown and replaced by communism. Although visions of a communist society have existed since the 4th Century BCE, modern communist ideology began to develop during the French Revolution. The Soviet Union and China are examples of prominent communist societies.
Prove that with specific numbers and examples instead of your usual right-wing wine

Some Posts About NIH Royalties Omit Fauci Statement That He Donates His Payments - FactCheck.org 5-20-22

Some Posts About NIH Royalties Omit Fauci Statement That He Donates His Payments

In 2005, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told the Associated Press that he donates royalty payments he receives from the licensees of products he helped develop while working for the National Institutes of Health. ...
He said the group is still waiting to receive 1,800 pages of documents from the NIH about royalty payments from 2015 to 2020, but estimates that “between fiscal years 2010 and 2020, more than $350 million in royalties were paid by third-parties,” such as pharmaceutical companies, “to the agency and NIH scientists – who are credited as co-inventors” on NIH patents.
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View attachment 15916
Communism is a political and economic system that aims to create a classless society where the public owns the major means of production, such as factories and mines. In a communist society, there is no government, private property, or currency, and wealth is shared equally among citizens or based on need. The goal of communism is to eliminate socioeconomic class struggles by redistributing income and ensuring that everyone shares the benefits of labor equally.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' 1848 The Communist Manifesto is a seminal work that outlines many of communism's tenets. Marx's theory has three main aspects: a materialist conception of history, a critique of capitalism, and an account of how capitalism would be overthrown and replaced by communism. Although visions of a communist society have existed since the 4th Century BCE, modern communist ideology began to develop during the French Revolution. The Soviet Union and China are examples of prominent communist societies.

cool, you can cut and paste.
of cuorse you still failed the second part of the post which was to show how it applied here in the us. duh.
god you are stupid.
Some Posts About NIH Royalties Omit Fauci Statement That He Donates His Payments - FactCheck.org 5-20-22

Some Posts About NIH Royalties Omit Fauci Statement That He Donates His Payments

In 2005, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told the Associated Press that he donates royalty payments he receives from the licensees of products he helped develop while working for the National Institutes of Health. ...
He said the group is still waiting to receive 1,800 pages of documents from the NIH about royalty payments from 2015 to 2020, but estimates that “between fiscal years 2010 and 2020, more than $350 million in royalties were paid by third-parties,” such as pharmaceutical companies, “to the agency and NIH scientists – who are credited as co-inventors” on NIH patents.

so that doesn't prove the "gave himself" any patents nor that he greatly increased his net worth by "giving them to himself" . duh.
god you are stupid, lol
Christians have nothing to fear.

Isaiah 41:10
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Do you really believe god will help you on November?
You are seriously delusional. God my arse you silly old fool.
Hillary was killing Trump in leftist polls in 2016 before he stomped her in the general election. Trust God, not biased and manipulated polls.
How was god involved? Where's the evidence of that?
Did you trust god when Trump was beaten?

It's always god is the answer to you nutters but can never prove anything.
cool, you can cut and paste.
of cuorse you still failed the second part of the post which was to show how it applied here in the us. duh.
god you are stupid.
I can post articles I have read which you rarely even try to discuss, much less refute arguments you seem unwilling to accept.
so that doesn't prove the "gave himself" any patents nor that he greatly increased his net worth by "giving them to himself" . duh.
god you are stupid, lol
You try to cloud the issue but fail to prove Fauci was not receiving millions of dollars in royalties off drug patents he did not develop and yet claimed he was owed royalties for.