Janet Jackson doubts whether Kamala can legitimately claim to be black

you are either a big liar or even a bigger incompetent. here is what you actually said about the entire race:

The secret to opening the US Treasury to windfall payments to dark-skinned greedy beggars is to elect dark-skinned greedy beggars to government offices where they can open the Treasury vaults to their friends and supporters.
Like all republican old pricks, they hate the though if someone getting something for nothing.
So Obama was half black. but even if he was half as good as he was, he still was by far way way better than Trump.

I am sorry if that fact err annoys you. Lol
Well that is a matter of opinion on how good either of them were. However for race factual is yes Obama is bi racial
A misogynistic racist like you would think of that.

Yes. Why can't she?

Are you sure they caused all of it?

They didn't do that. The whole world is the same. Are they to blame for them also..

What washer referring to?

When she wins she owes no one anything and least of all old creeps like you.
You never complained when Trump tanked the economy and blew the debt out by 7 trillion in one term, yet now you want Harris to fix it. Fuck off.

The main problems is the gate and division expired by Trump. The refusal of republicans to get behind Biden to institute decent policies. Still blocking the courts with Trump's crimes and j6 nutters.

You know nothing about the problem we have inherited. You do t want to know but you want Harris to fix it.
Get your hideous god to help.
Why do you the word god when you think he's bull shat
Liberals love picking thier race white claiming to be black visa versa and so much more choose your gender they have 107 to choose from Lol for now .Many keep saying they will leave the nation if trump was elected they did not just more lies from celebrities.
No they want to change racial identity when like me they are a mutt. .You would think they could be honest when your multi racial that's what you are yet they do not comprehend. Lol
People have no control over their ancestry. Kamala is recognized as a fellow Black person by a majority of Americans. Trump said he thought this should be INVESTIGATED. WHY? She has never denied that she was Black or East Indian.
As recall, when it was unfashionable to be German, Trump and his father claimed to be... Swedish.
Unlike sinners, God does not care about the color of a person's skin. God has no special privileged class for sinners based on DEI color or WOC gender.
Sinners my arse. Your filthy god condoned slavery and they were all black but he didn't worry about the colour of their skin.
Jews were enslaved for 400 years by brown savages until God put a stop to that. No blacks were enslaved for that long in America but millions of American blacks today want to reward the brown former slave owners of Jews by robbing modern Jews of their property and giving it to their former slave owners.
Jews were enslaved for 400 years by brown savages until God put a stop to that. No blacks were enslaved for that long in America but millions of American blacks today want to reward the brown former slave owners of Jews by robbing modern Jews of their property and giving it to their former slave owners.
Don't quote your god to me. The Bible condoned slavery and god done fuck all about it because there was no god idiot.

It didn't happen. There's 200 million godbotherers like you and they are all nuts.
Liberals love picking thier race white claiming to be black visa versa and so much more choose your gender they have 107 to choose from Lol for now .Many keep saying they will leave the nation if trump was elected they did not just more lies from celebrities.
No they want to change racial identity when like me they are a mutt. .You would think they could be honest when your multi racial that's what you are yet they do not comprehend. Lol
You say these but when asked a simple question, “do you think sex = gender?”, you became quiet.