Janet Jackson doubts whether Kamala can legitimately claim to be black

The actual presidential election should be about who is the more fit person to lead our country, and the discussion of race is a waste of time.
Every time I see a red haired person in public arena teaching our kids or competing in Olympics etc my blood boils, the veins in my neck bulge and I just wanna use my god given 2nd amendement rights
Yes! all the ills of humanity are caused by the Gingers!
If a man wants to be a poofter, he has the right to do so unharassed. If a woman wants to be a tomboy, she has the right to do so unharrasssed as well. The article I posted says that 1.7% of the population are physically ambiguously gendered. The number that choose to identify as gay or Lesbian is greater than that.

I am all for treating everyone equally. Let them marry and live their lives as they wish, unmolested by the government or society.
your born with a penis or a cooter . very few are born otherwise.
You can cut off or add what you want you will always be what you were born . You do not get to choose you can pretend all you want .
Still don't understand s3x vs gender
You are one of the dumbest people I have ever er seen lol
No wonder you support convicted felon trump
your born with a penis or a cooter . very few are born otherwise.
You can cut off or add what you want you will always be what you were born . You do not get to choose you can pretend all you want .
1. You did not answer the question.

2. What about the “very few?” Then. You write them off?

I agree that you are born with a specific sex or gender.