Janet Jackson doubts whether Kamala can legitimately claim to be black

President Barack Obama
The Honorable Barack Obama
The Office of Barack and Michelle Obama
P.O. Box 91000, Washington, DC 20066
Contact form: www.barackobama.com/contact

The Obama Presidential Center
Address to be confirmed.
Telephone: (1) 202-464-6903
Email: info@obama.org
Website: www.obama.org
The Hawaiian official who finally produced Obama's questionable birth certificate later died under very suspicious circumstances.
I was asked about my birth certificate but I also am not running for president.
This is what you said earlier:

“Unlike Obama, I am willing for people to examine my birth certificate for answers to questions about the evidence of fraud.”

You are incapable of admitting you just say whatever is convenient at the time or you misspoke. Yet you want to crucify waltz for misspeaking about 4 years ago. What Christian you are! A disgrace to Christianity!
This is what you said earlier:

“Unlike Obama, I am willing for people to examine my birth certificate for answers to questions about the evidence of fraud.”

You are incapable of admitting you just say whatever is convenient at the time or you misspoke. Yet you want to crucify waltz for misspeaking about 4 years ago. What Christian you are! A disgrace to Christianity!
He's about as Christian as Mohammed.
So he was killed because he showed the birth certificate? And you think Obama murdered him? How does that make any sense at all?
It was a woman who produced the questionable birth certificate two years too late and refused to allow forensics experts to examine the possibly forged document, and her death was extremely suspicious.
It was a woman who produced the questionable birth certificate two years too late and refused to allow forensics experts to examine the possibly forged document, and her death was extremely suspicious.
How did she “refuse to allow”? She disobeyed a court order, for example?

You lie all the time.

Are you retarded? So where did this come from liar?

Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.

Common knowledge. And don't give me this bullshit that his literary agent made that up. He printed what Obama told him. Literary agents do not make up bios of writers.
Are you retarded? So where did this come from liar?

Common knowledge. And don't give me this bullshit that his literary agent made that up. He printed what Obama told him. Literary agents do not make up bios of writers.
The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:

God you are beyond stupid
Right from your own link

Don't give me that bullshit that people never make mistakes
Common knowledge. And don't give me this bullshit that his literary agent made that up. He printed what Obama told him. Literary agents do not make up bios of writers.
Not all of them are perfect. Time pressure, assuming, …. Mistakes could happen.

FTR I am not claiming the literary agent was not told he was born in Kenya.
It was a woman who produced the questionable birth certificate two years too late and refused to allow forensics experts to examine the possibly forged document, and her death was extremely suspicious.
What sort of "forensics experts" can prove a birth certificate to be invalid? NONE.
How was her death "extremely suspicious"? Was she killed by a chunk of lavatory blue ice from an airline bathroom? Was she attacked in her apartment by ocelots?

It DOES NOT MATTER whether Obama was qualified to be president. He served the eight years and no on in his administration was indicted, tried or convicted of anything. He was certainly one of our BEST presidents. But nothing abot his birth certificate is of any importance to anyone now.
The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:

God you are beyond stupid
Right from your own link

Don't give me that bullshit that people never make mistakes
There are many conflicting accounts detailing various aspects of Obama's youth.
What sort of "forensics experts" can prove a birth certificate to be invalid? NONE.
How was her death "extremely suspicious"? Was she killed by a chunk of lavatory blue ice from an airline bathroom? Was she attacked in her apartment by ocelots?

It DOES NOT MATTER whether Obama was qualified to be president. He served the eight years and no on in his administration was indicted, tried or convicted of anything. He was certainly one of our BEST presidents. But nothing abot his birth certificate is of any importance to anyone now.
If they had nothing to hide then they were foolish to refuse to allow the document to be examined for expert verification of validity.