Janet Jackson doubts whether Kamala can legitimately claim to be black

I started a thread where I made the basic point
Not it arose because of buncha racist périple who could not stomach a black president. And now they might have to stomach a black and a woman (the horror). Bon appetite!

So ignore that the bio for his first book said he was born in Kenya? He goes around telling people that he was born there but it is racist to suggest he might have been born there?
I started a thread where I made the basic point

So ignore that the bio for his first book said he was born in Kenya? He goes around telling people that he was born there but it is racist to suggest he might have been born there?
Why YES, if he shows a Certificate of Live Birth that says he was born in Honolulu.

Trump was using this as a way of enlisting the support of racists.
What is the greatest crime against the negroid people of the world?

North American slavery? Practiced and defended by democrats?

Pronouncing Camala's name wrong?

Suggesting that because Obama told people he was born in Kenya that it might be true?
Really? Mistake where an author was born?

I have nothing to prove asshat. It is in the bio for his first book!

His bio! His book! Born in Kenya!
I was gonna ask you if this was THE bio as part of the book. Then I decided to search it myself.

First, this was a promotional booklet (= leaflet?) put together by the publisher. And here is comment about the incidence:

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:
What is the greatest crime against the negroid people of the world?

North American slavery? Practiced and defended by democrats?

Pronouncing Camala's name wrong?

Suggesting that because Obama told people he was born in Kenya that it might be true?
No one is discussing "the greatest crimes" here.
Trump uses racism to rile up racists and Xenophobes.

The Democratic Party does not advocate slavery and has not done so since the 1870's. It is against Jim Crow and advocated that everyone has the right to vote and run for office. The Republicans are now the ones trying to prevent citizens from voting in many different ways.

Trump is a racist and uses racism to advance his support. He attempted to overthrow the government, he belongs in prison.
I started a thread where I made the basic point

So ignore that the bio for his first book said he was born in Kenya? He goes around telling people that he was born there but it is racist to suggest he might have been born there?
Not at all. If there was evidence that Obama himself went around saying he was born in Kenya I doubt people would hang their hat on an isolated obscure promotional booklet provided by the publisher.

Do you have evidence that Obama went around claiming he was born in Kenya?

Also realize that people make all sorts of convenient claims. Such bragging does not necessarily make him been born in Kenya. IF true It would make him an opportunist fibber.
Not it arose because of buncha racist périple who could not stomach a black president. And now they might have to stomach a black and a woman (the horror). Bon appetite!
Nonsense. Democrats falsely turn every little thing into some sort of racist slander against their opponents, and that partisan leftist racist dishonest inflammatory nonsense has inflamed unjust racist animosities among the ignorant and immoral for decades.
No, he already exhibited his certificate of live birth. There was no question of his nationality.
This was used by Trump to get the votes of racists, because Trump could not say Obama was unfit because he was Black.
Trump uses racism whenever he can, and that is bloody obvious to everyone.
Obama created questions about his origin of birth by claiming he was born in Kenya, and several members of his family and friends contributed to that narrative as well. Obama first presented his replica birth certificate on April 27, 2011, nearly 3 years after Americans began asking to see it.
Nonsense. Democrats falsely turn every little thing into some sort of racist slander against their opponents, and that partisan leftist racist dishonest inflammatory nonsense has inflamed unjust racist animosities among the ignorant and immoral for decades.
Blah blah blah

You say a lot but you do not say much.
Obama created questions about his origin of birth by claiming he was born in Kenya, and several members of his family and friends contributed to that narrative as well. Obama first presented his replica birth certificate on April 27, 2011, nearly 3 years after Americans began asking to see it.
One insignificant easily explained does not equal claim. I used to sort of respect David duke. A proud racist. Some cowardly racists turn my stomach.
Obama created questions about his origin of birth by claiming he was born in Kenya, and several members of his family and friends contributed to that narrative as well. Obama first presented his replica birth certificate on April 27, 2011, nearly 3 years after Americans began asking to see it.
He presented his Certificate of Live Birth when he applied for the nomination before the primaries.