Walz admits America cannot take 4 more years like the last 4 years

šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ oh please! These people are running for President of the United States of America and Vice President of the United States of America. Just as all point out Trump, people cannot handle when others do something or state something they did not mean. Well Iā€™m Walz case, you cannot modify it like ā€œblood bathā€ or ā€œdictatorā€! Walz needs to be clear. Plain and simple! This is not a damn interview for a job at a bank!
Ok so we agree he misspoke. But the ā€œboth sideā€ claim is just not compelling. Also please tell the same to those delusional posters on your side who claim he MEANT that about Biden.
Ok so we agree he misspoke. But the ā€œboth sideā€ claim is just not compelling. Also please tell the same to those delusional posters on your side who claim he MEANT that about Biden.
I do not know that! Walz state we cannot take 4 more years! I cannot quote that he was speaking of Biden nor Trump. I think it is ignorance of Walz not to correct it! You do not by pass something like that. Something that simple can entice a decision. Thatā€™s why Trump defends when the media twists his words. So itā€™s up to Walz, not me.
If only you guys teaming up and cheerleading each other obsessing over this nonsense 4 year thing knew how this is soothing to Harris supporters you would need calling 988. lol
Both Harris and Walz are having a hard time promoting their pie in the sky 'new way forward' dream without drawing attention to the need to get off the current 'old current way' disaster.
Look into my eyes and say you sincerely believe walz MEANT to say that about Biden.
Walz did not mean to criticize any democrat for the failure of the current administration he and Harris are claiming they can improve with their 'happy and hopeful' 'new nirvana way forward' agenda.
Ok so we agree he misspoke. But the ā€œboth sideā€ claim is just not compelling. Also please tell the same to those delusional posters on your side who claim he MEANT that about Biden.
Walz has far more problems that trying to promote a progressive new way forward from the current old way.