Liz Cheney is fighting like hell to keep democrats in power

Or she thinks Trump is a hateful mooron
No he cares for Americans more than Harris and Biden do! They love the blacks right now! Why? They love the trans! Why? All bullshit! Trump plays politics too but Trump, he could have stayed home with his money, he did not! These people get rich off of people like you! And let me guess, you do not work and online all day? Your pockets will be less! Get ready if you all vote Harris in.
Watch the debate of her memorizing tonight! Watch!
No he cares for Americans more than Harris and Biden do! They love the blacks right now! Why? They love the trans! Why? All bullshit! Trump plays politics too but Trump, he could have stayed home with his money, he did not! These people get rich off of people like you! And let me guess, you do not work and online all day? Your pockets will be less! Get ready if you all vote Harris in.
Watch the debate of her memorizing tonight! Watch!
Trump cares for Trump
If you don't get that you are stupid
The godless savages hated her for being Christian but created bogus charges to jail her because they knew they couldn't jail her for violating their baloney separation of church and state crap.
There is no "separation of church and state cap" involved in her arrest. She illegally crossed a police barricade and assisted in an illegal invasion of Congress when it was in session with the goal of changing the results of a fair and free election.
Oh no, if Democrats get in, they will stay in! Why in the hell do you think the border is wide open? Trump had people stabbing in him his back in his four years. He knows who is who exactly! Especially Harris!
I asked YOU about Harris’ policies! You do not know! You are voting for race, democrat and a woman! She cannot run this country!
What are policies? You cant answer! Asshole!
I don't care what a hysterical ratbag thinks.
I don't care what her policies are. I care about getting rid of Trump.
Btw. The border is under the control of inland security, not Harris.
I don't have to answer you nor would it make any difference. You're a hate filled dumb as dogshyt typical republican. Not a functioning neuron in sight.
At least Christian grandmas were not put in prison for violating secret democrat rules under Trump.
Secret rules my arse. She was there demonstrating and breaking in like the rest and you published a picture showing it.
Ever heard of shitting in your own nest?
Note that Kamala Harris in the debate proudly mentioned how she was endorsed by shit bag Dick Cheney and his daughter.
Sure it shows how terrible Trump is in this partisan age when other Republicans not only say they won't vote for him but endorse harris