Liz Cheney is fighting like hell to keep democrats in power

She is fighting against Trump
Which doesn't make her a radical leftist
It makes her someone who thinks Trump would be terrible d7h
God you are stupid
She may blame her leftist opposition to conservative Christian American values on her stupid unreasonable hatred of Trump, but she clearly opposes conservative Christian values.
Not what I said, moronlbut define conservative Christian values and prove it,mlying mooron
Christians support law and order but leftists have a different view. Christians oppose abortion but leftists have a different view. Christians oppose sexual promiscuity and perversion but leftists have a different view.
There is no "separation of church and state cap" involved in her arrest. She illegally crossed a police barricade and assisted in an illegal invasion of Congress when it was in session with the goal of changing the results of a fair and free election.
There is no law putting the Capitol off limits to visitors.
I don't care what a hysterical ratbag thinks.
I don't care what her policies are. I care about getting rid of Trump.
Btw. The border is under the control of inland security, not Harris.
I don't have to answer you nor would it make any difference. You're a hate filled dumb as dogshyt typical republican. Not a functioning neuron in sight.
Trump represents a threat to Americans who see the current status quo as their best chance of satisfying their lust and greed, regardless of the damage the leftist policies will do to the nation's morals, freedom, and the economy.
Secret rules my arse. She was there demonstrating and breaking in like the rest and you published a picture showing it.
Ever heard of shitting in your own nest?
What public rule are you claiming grandma violated? The rule against praying in public? The rule against visiting the Capitol?
Sure it shows how terrible Trump is in this partisan age when other Republicans not only say they won't vote for him but endorse harris
Americans have various reasons for endorsing leftist socialist big government/small God policies.
There is no law putting the Capitol off limits to visitors.
So what are you saying? That anyone can just walk in off the street 24/7, 365 and walk in to the Capitol?
That has never been the case.
There are established protocols for citizens to enter Congress. They cannot just stroll in. On January 6th there were barricades at the entrance and guards that told people that Congress was in session and that they could not enter.
Aren't people supposed to OBEY the police?
A vote for Kamala is a vote for Dick Cheney the architect of every thing that went wrong the last 2 decades in thew middle east.

Kamala is proud of this endorsement. She just said so in the debate.
Tulsi is the political Queen of Has-beens. She was of little importance as a representative, and now she could not be elected dogcatcher in Hawaii.

There is no reason why Kamala should reject Dick Cheney. When she is president, she can use him to get bipartisan bills through Congress. Kamala knows how to lead.

She has great people skills. She led that debate in a manner most masterful. Poo Trump was a tired old grimacing wretch
as she manipulated him into blathering about Haitian cat eaters and people walking away from his rallies.
So what are you saying? That anyone can just walk in off the street 24/7, 365 and walk in to the Capitol?
That has never been the case.
There are established protocols for citizens to enter Congress. They cannot just stroll in. On January 6th there were barricades at the entrance and guards that told people that Congress was in session and that they could not enter.
Aren't people supposed to OBEY the police?
Jan 6 videos show cops ushering people through the doors into the Capitol.