Liz Cheney is fighting like hell to keep democrats in power

How does assassination attempts on a presidential candidate guarantee our democracy?

You dems trying to intimidate Trump into fearing for his life not campaigning?

I watch the hearings of this dumb shit director of the secret service and I'm convinced she was not committed in any serious way with protecting the life of Donald Trump. Democracy my ass.

Exactly! Myself, could be an inside person! And the temp director states it was not on schedule to play golf! That vehicle and foliage should have been tracked by dogs etc, no matter what was on schedule! Trump can play golf just like Biden can sit on the damn beach while people pass by! Hypocrisy! Planned! Gun serial number scratched through? Vehicle sat there? Good thing for a great citizen and a great Agent!
If I were Trump, anyone who guards their family should not have a problem to show anyone their phones etc! My opinion of course. I just don’t feel good about it all!

Trump 2024🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸!
Don't pretend to be stupid. Democrats have been preaching their hateful false doctrine that Trump is a serious threat to all Americans and needs to be stopped at all costs. Some of these iniciters of violence are not so stupid as to think their incitement of violence will never inspire dummass wannabe heroes to try to kill Trump to save America and humanity.
Trump is incompetent, ignorant, stupid, and corrupt and the Supremes have told him that he can get away with anything with impunity.
You poor thing!



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