Liz Cheney is fighting like hell to keep democrats in power

Jan 6 videos show cops ushering people through the doors into the Capitol.
That was only after the mob had managed to tear down the barricades that were put there to keep them out.
Trump attempted to overturn the results of the election, which was FREE and FAIR as any we have ever held in our county.
That was only after the mob had managed to tear down the barricades that were put there to keep them out.
Trump attempted to overturn the results of the election, which was FREE and FAIR as any we have ever held in our county.
Your interpretation does not match the facts.
That was only after the mob had managed to tear down the barricades that were put there to keep them out.
Trump attempted to overturn the results of the election, which was FREE and FAIR as any we have ever held in our county.

So every rioter in 2020 was trying to undermine and overturn the 2016 election?

Billions in damages and people killed?

It was a political strategy that worked. Create as much chaos, noise and misery as possible to help Joe Biden win.

Then of course you libtards want foreigners to come into our country by the millions to help you win elections.

The demonstrators on Jan 6th was small potatoes compared to that.

How about the mega rich using their wealth to help Joe Biden? Zuckerberg alone spent 40 million to help idiot Joe.

Russia gate lies by the corporate media to overturn the 2016 election?
You are full of crap. Trump and his henchmen planned the entire attack on the Capitol, and they LOST.
Trump should be BANNED for attempting to overthrow the government. The ratbastard belongs in prison.
I don't care what a hysterical ratbag thinks.
I don't care what her policies are. I care about getting rid of Trump.
Btw. The border is under the control of inland security, not Harris.
I don't have to answer you nor would it make any difference. You're a hate filled dumb as dogshyt typical republican. Not a functioning neuron in sight.
You are incompetent just as Harris! You are the clear dumbass along with others who want America destroyed! Harris is a damn liar! You deserve her kind of life! Sitting on your ass collecting! Must be tiring! We don’t want to hear about her bio!

Even if true that doesn't mean they are innocent legal moooron
Trump cares for Trump
If you don't get that you are stupid
PJ and you only care about collecting and sitting on your ass! Living off government! You are the oblivious one that does not see or want to because you sir, sit and collect! Free from Harris! Read your own posts and see what stupid is! It’s sad really!
Harris is lying!

Watch what happens before November!

People coming here are not for a picnic!

PJ and you only care about collecting and sitting on your ass! Living off government! You are the oblivious one that does not see or want to because you sir, sit and collect! Free from Harris! Read your own posts and see what stupid is! It’s sad really!
Harris is lying!

Keep off the drugs
You are sounding as mentally confused as trump
You are full of crap. Trump and his henchmen planned the entire attack on the Capitol, and they LOST.
Trump should be BANNED for attempting to overthrow the government. The ratbastard belongs in prison.
Democrats will believe and repeat that lie until the day they die. Deception often causes permanent blindness that way.
Even if true that doesn't mean they are innocent legal moooron
Normally when a person is charged with trespassing the judge will require the prosecution to show that the property or business owner had a reasonable and clear expectation that tresspassers would know they were not allowed. The Capitol posted no notices that visitation was off limits that day and door gurads allowed people into the Capitol without teling them they were not allowed to enter on that day.
Normally when a person is charged with trespassing the judge will require the prosecution to show that the property or business owner had a reasonable and clear expectation that tresspassers would know they were not allowed. The Capitol posted no notices that visitation was off limits that day and door gurads allowed people into the Capitol without teling them they were not allowed to enter on that day.
Prove your pist, legal mooron
You are incompetent just as Harris! You are the clear dumbass along with others who want America destroyed! Harris is a damn liar! You deserve her kind of life! Sitting on your ass collecting! Must be tiring! We don’t want to hear about her bio!

Coming from an hysterical old ratbag tart like you, it's quite normal.
Bellow all you like, she will be the POTUS
Coming from an hysterical old ratbag tart like you, it's quite normal.
Bellow all you like, she will be the POTUS
Good! That’s the only way it will prove I’m right! And you are on her level! Dumb people vote for incompetence! You poor thing! That’s all you have isn’t it? Maybe she will up your food stamps! lol!
Good! That’s the only way it will prove I’m right! And you are on her level! Dumb people vote for incompetence! You poor thing! That’s all you have isn’t it? Maybe she will up your food stamps! lol!
Bitter old tarts like you are sour because she stood up to trump. You'd rather a dictator than democracy.