Liz Cheney is fighting like hell to keep democrats in power

PJ and you only care about collecting and sitting on your ass! Living off government! You are the oblivious one that does not see or want to because you sir, sit and collect! Free from Harris! Read your own posts and see what stupid is! It’s sad really!
Harris is lying!

How dare you!

Phlemmy and Boris love black people!
Bitter old tarts like you are sour because she stood up to trump. You'd rather a dictator than democracy.
Lots of ratbag democrats have immorally and unjustly "stood up to Trump." Adam Schiff, fake lying leftist whistleblower Schiff stooge dishonorable Lt. Vindman, Nancy Pelosi, Jod Biden, Thomas Matthew Crooks, and hundreds if not thousands more leftist Marxist card-carrying socialist democrat party politburo members.
Lots of ratbag democrats have immorally and unjustly "stood up to Trump." Adam Schiff, fake lying leftist whistleblower Schiff stooge dishonorable Lt. Vindman, Nancy Pelosi, Jod Biden, Thomas Matthew Crooks, and hundreds if not thousands more leftist Marxist card-carrying socialist democrat party politburo members.
There is no Marxist organization that issues membership cards. There is no "politburo"
It is not in ANY WAY immoral to defy Shitshizpants.
Au contraire, it is what every patriot should do.
There is no Marxist organization that issues membership cards. There is no "politburo"
It is not in ANY WAY immoral to defy Shitshizpants.
Au contraire, it is what every patriot should do.
You are bragging that American socialist Democrats do not approve of ID cards for themselves?
You are bragging that American socialist Democrats do not approve of ID cards for themselves?
I am saying that no one issues Marxist ID cards. No one even offers such a thing.
Bragging? Where do you get "bragging"?

You say there are "card-carrying Marxists" in the Democratic Party. There is no such thing. There is no such thing as a "Marxist membership card".

You are reverting to crap the worthless alcoholic Joe McCarthy spewed in the 1950's. about "card-carrying Communists".
There were none. No one ever showed such a card in the press.

Now you claim that there exist "Marxism cards". You are full of shit.
So every rioter in 2020 was trying to undermine and overturn the 2016 election?

Billions in damages and people killed?

It was a political strategy that worked. Create as much chaos, noise and misery as possible to help Joe Biden win.

Then of course you libtards want foreigners to come into our country by the millions to help you win elections.

The demonstrators on Jan 6th was small potatoes compared to that.

How about the mega rich using their wealth to help Joe Biden? Zuckerberg alone spent 40 million to help idiot Joe.

Russia gate lies by the corporate media to overturn the 2016 election?
Normally when a person is charged with trespassing the judge will require the prosecution to show that the property or business owner had a reasonable and clear expectation that tresspassers would know they were not allowed. The Capitol posted no notices that visitation was off limits that day and door gurads allowed people into the Capitol without teling them they were not allowed to enter on that day.
You will never look at his Speech nor pull the archives up on National Guard etc. You will not! But Trump did not entice those protesters! Pelosi is on tape. Other video is out which you will NOT look at! Trump knows something on that government that they do not want him in again!!! Plain fucking simple! He did not bloodbath on the election! It was on auto industry! You will be happy if they kill him! They attempted again today! Bastard! Minnesota had more people die and you want that piece of dirt as VP! You are just as low as Boris! I hope Harris wins so you can see dumb ass!
Police escorting them in! Rigged and set Trump up! It will be proven! If it would have been Dem thugs, they would have burnt it down like white trash they are! Antifa! BLM! Etc etc! Maybe Harris can bail them out! Bye! Bite!



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Lots of ratbag democrats have immorally and unjustly "stood up to Trump." Adam Schiff, fake lying leftist whistleblower Schiff stooge dishonorable Lt. Vindman, Nancy Pelosi, Jod Biden, Thomas Matthew Crooks, and hundreds if not thousands more leftist Marxist card-carrying socialist democrat party politburo members.
Yes and they all showed what a lying corrupt incompetent ratbag he is and the same goes for you.
I am saying that no one issues Marxist ID cards. No one even offers such a thing.
Bragging? Where do you get "bragging"?

You say there are "card-carrying Marxists" in the Democratic Party. There is no such thing. There is no such thing as a "Marxist membership card".

You are reverting to crap the worthless alcoholic Joe McCarthy spewed in the 1950's. about "card-carrying Communists".
There were none. No one ever showed such a card in the press.

Now you claim that there exist "Marxism cards". You are full of shit.
Democrat socialists despise the idea of voting IDs and leftist organization membership ID cards.
How does assassination attempts on a presidential candidate guarantee our democracy?

You dems trying to intimidate Trump into fearing for his life not campaigning?

I watch the hearings of this dumb shit director of the secret service and I'm convinced she was not committed in any serious way with protecting the life of Donald Trump. Democracy my ass.

How does assassination attempts on a presidential candidate guarantee our democracy?

You dems trying to intimidate Trump into fearing for his life not campaigning?

I watch the hearings of this dumb shit director of the secret service and I'm convinced she was not committed in any serious way with protecting the life of Donald Trump. Democracy my ass.

We're they even dems who tried to kill trump?