Liz Cheney is fighting like hell to keep democrats in power

That woman was not imprisoned for being a Christian. Jesus has never said one thing about US politics. She was in violation of trespassing and illegal entry into Congress, trying to nullify the clear results of a free and fair election.
Damaged — fine
Hate filled — fine

But how is she a leftist? She probably disagrees with Harris on every policy issue other than Trump is a danger to our democracy.
She is fighting like hell for leftist fascist socialist Democrats to win the 2024 election.
That woman was not imprisoned for being a Christian. Jesus has never said one thing about US politics. She was in violation of trespassing and illegal entry into Congress, trying to nullify the clear results of a free and fair election.
The godless savages hated her for being Christian but created bogus charges to jail her because they knew they couldn't jail her for violating their baloney separation of church and state crap.
She is fighting like hell for leftist fascist socialist Democrats to win the 2024 election.
You promised not to this again. I gave you an argument why she is not leftists and you responded with gibberish that did relate to the quote of line that you provided. I ask you again: Please stop this juvenile and stoopid behavior. Thanks.
Putin claims that he stands for Christian values. He is against gays and single sex marriages, he is opposed to transsexuals, and he is greatly revered by the Russian Orthodox Church.
The audacity of you to suggest Trump had policies.
He could spell the word.

But it wouldn't matter what she said, a bitter sour old tart doesn't have the intelligence to comprehend them and never would.

I'm gonna love November when you become incontinent anticipating 4 years of democrats.
Get that up you skirt.
Oh no, if Democrats get in, they will stay in! Why in the hell do you think the border is wide open? Trump had people stabbing in him his back in his four years. He knows who is who exactly! Especially Harris!
I asked YOU about Harris’ policies! You do not know! You are voting for race, democrat and a woman! She cannot run this country!
What are policies? You cant answer! Asshole!
Calling her a radical leftist given her voting record proves you are beyond stupid lol
If you do not see it, you are clearly stupid! Bernie, AOC and other lefties are on her side! You are voting for your pockets to be empty and you will support an open border and you will pay for every one crossing over and they will have jobs that lazy asses don’t want! You are clearly the stupid one! Boris cannot even say what her policies are! You all are dumb as dirt! Giving away America!
She is fighting like hell for leftist fascist socialist Democrats to win the 2024 election.
She is fighting against Trump
Which doesn't make her a radical leftist
It makes her someone who thinks Trump would be terrible d7h
God you are stupid