Liz Cheney is fighting like hell to keep democrats in power

"Lt. Colonel Kwiatkowski was interviewed about her anti-war sentiments in the buildup to the war in Iraq. She had held a position in the Defense Department Near East-South Asia policy office from which she retired early, two days after the U.S. invaded Iraq. She said she had experienced “lies promulgated on us inside the Pentagon.” She also talked about her service in the Air Force, why she left the military, the military-industrial complex, and her participation in the film, Why We Fight. A clip from the movie was shown."
This is another lone official who had questionable ideas and understanding of the real issues. Hillary and pals voted to go to war and to war we went.
US invasion of Iraq was a disaster and woefully wrong. I will go even further, though unpopular, invading even Afghanistan was wrong. We can discuss if you wish.
Lots of Americans opined that going to war with mass-murdering terrorists was wrong.
We were told the hunt was on, for bin Laden....and, MUCH like Bibi Nuttinyayhoo's done....Lil' Dumbya insisted there'd be PLENTY OF TIME, AFTER THE talk-about how we got involved!!
That conversation still hasn't been had....HINT, HINT....ISRAEL!!!!!!
After intelligence was gathered (using sometimes controversial techniques such as waterboarding) under Bush, the military was able to find Bin Ladin and eliminate him after Bush left office.
I agree with this.

At least, the war in Afghanistan should have ended as soon as Bin Laden was executed.

The first Iraq War could have been prevented by adequate diplomacy. The second was just unnecessary and caused vastly more problems than it could possibly have solved. Far more Iraqis died than Saddam ever killed, and it freed tons of weapons that ended up in Syria, where the Civil War is still going on.

I have not voted for any Bushes, ever. Not Olebush, not Jeb, not Juniorbush.
Many good Americans viewed war against worldwide terrorist murderers as a good thing.
In 2015 Trump had the unmitigated gall to say that the Iraq war was an abysmal failure. When he did that he liberated an entire party that had been bashing their heads against a wall defending that nonsense.

He dared to take on the military industrial complex. He called the powerful liars! He destroyed the Bush-Clinton alliance. That is why they hate him. To sit here with a straight face and act like the Cheney's just acquired some religion and became good people is a laugh. They are trash. Kamala could have looked like a leader had she told Dick and his bitch daughter to stick that endorsement.
Your ignorance of God is showing.
So tell us what God has been talking to people about lately.
What is it about God have I missed discussing?

The Biblical character known as "God" is clearly a dick.
He is said to have exterminated almost the entire human race and most of the animals and vegetation with a flood.
He tortured his most faithful follower, Job. Killed his family, took away all that he owned and gave him nasty diseases.
He condemned all the descendants of Ham forever because Ham stared at his father's dick.
I bet you saw your father's dick. I think that this is a very usual thing. It certainly does not justify condemning an entire race of people to servile occupations forever.

Explain why the Biblical character called "God" should NOT be considered a dick.