Liz Cheney is fighting like hell to keep democrats in power

"Lt. Colonel Kwiatkowski was interviewed about her anti-war sentiments in the buildup to the war in Iraq. She had held a position in the Defense Department Near East-South Asia policy office from which she retired early, two days after the U.S. invaded Iraq. She said she had experienced “lies promulgated on us inside the Pentagon.” She also talked about her service in the Air Force, why she left the military, the military-industrial complex, and her participation in the film, Why We Fight. A clip from the movie was shown."
"Lt. Colonel Kwiatkowski was interviewed about her anti-war sentiments in the buildup to the war in Iraq. She had held a position in the Defense Department Near East-South Asia policy office from which she retired early, two days after the U.S. invaded Iraq. She said she had experienced “lies promulgated on us inside the Pentagon.” She also talked about her service in the Air Force, why she left the military, the military-industrial complex, and her participation in the film, Why We Fight. A clip from the movie was shown."
US invasion of Iraq was a disaster and woefully wrong. I will go even further, though unpopular, invading even Afghanistan was wrong. We can discuss if you wish.
what? god cannot control his own voice? and when he speaks, does he speak english or gibberish? i hope mark could help us with these questions as he seems to be in constant contact with god.
I am just quoting what theologians have claimed. Metatron is not mentioned in the Bible, but he he mentioned in the Torah.
If you haven't seen it, watch the film "Dogma" It is a real hoot.
US invasion of Iraq was a disaster and woefully wrong. I will go even further, though unpopular, invading even Afghanistan was wrong. We can discuss if you wish.
We were told the hunt was on, for bin Laden....and, MUCH like Bibi Nuttinyayhoo's done....Lil' Dumbya insisted there'd be PLENTY OF TIME, AFTER THE talk-about how we got involved!!
That conversation still hasn't been had....HINT, HINT....ISRAEL!!!!!!
US invasion of Iraq was a disaster and woefully wrong. I will go even further, though unpopular, invading even Afghanistan was wrong. We can discuss if you wish.
I agree with this.

At least, the war in Afghanistan should have ended as soon as Bin Laden was executed.

The first Iraq War could have been prevented by adequate diplomacy. The second was just unnecessary and caused vastly more problems than it could possibly have solved. Far more Iraqis died than Saddam ever killed, and it freed tons of weapons that ended up in Syria, where the Civil War is still going on.

I have not voted for any Bushes, ever. Not Olebush, not Jeb, not Juniorbush.
What are her policies Bitter Butt? Trump has been president for 4 years and Harris is still VP and she and Biden have done nothing but hurt America!
Tell me, what policies do you like of Harris’? What do you think will happen to the poor? Tell me what or how do you see Harris will help America? You tell us! Bernie did! Liars!
The audacity of you to suggest Trump had policies.
He could spell the word.

But it wouldn't matter what she said, a bitter sour old tart doesn't have the intelligence to comprehend them and never would.

I'm gonna love November when you become incontinent anticipating 4 years of democrats.
Get that up you skirt.
Kamala has qualifications:
1. She is almost black.
2. She claims to be a woman even though many democrats do not know what that means.
3. She worked hard to be gifted positions in government for which she was grossly unqualified.
4. She has a killer giggle.
5. Her media cheerleaders say all sorts of notice things about her.

And so forth.
Qualifications are not your opinion. Big difference.
It hurts you when you know she is qualified and Trump is a dickhead.
I do not. I do not think he is honorable or patriot either. But many conservatives believe he is honorable and a patriot.

again, “Mr conservative” says Trump is a danger to our democracy. I said that before. You did not dispute that. But instead made an ad hominem comment about dems. My comment was not about dems. It was about Trump and Cheney. If you comment on that I will gladly discuss it with you further.

I consider it a compliment for Dickhead Cheney to say somebody is a threat to democracy. That makes me want to vote for Trump more.
I consider it a compliment for Dickhead Cheney to say somebody is a threat to democracy. That makes me want to vote for Trump more.
Ouch! That err really hurt my argument. Lol

Do you dispute that for a long long time Cheney was considered honorable and a solid conservative by other conservatives?

Ok, maybe i should drop this line of inquiry. You will not admit that re Cheney because that would directly and instantaneously impugn Trump.
Ouch! That err really hurt my argument. Lol

Do you dispute that for a long long time Cheney was considered honorable and a solid conservative by other conservatives?

Ok, maybe i should drop this line of inquiry. You will not admit that re Cheney because that would directly and instantaneously impugn Trump.

Some idiot's opinion does not impugn anybody. Especially a corrupt liar like Cheney.

I'm not wasting my time with stupid. After the idiot wasteful wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the complete fraud of Covid I have no trust at all in career politicians and Washington insiders.

The fact that so many of these pond scum hate Trump should be an honor to him. Trump stood against these pieces of shit. Thank goodness for him.

The logic of the libtard.

I do not. I do not think he is honorable or patriot either.

US invasion of Iraq was a disaster and woefully wrong. I will go even further, though unpopular, invading even Afghanistan was wrong. We can discuss if you wish.

I think Cheney is a low life.

Not honorable. Lead us into war based on lies. He is a low life.

So say it again. Who will he be voting for in this election? Who does he want to win in this election?

Who is this "low life" supporting? Another low life?
The logic of the libtard.

Not honorable. Lead us into war based on lies. He is a low life.

So say it again. Who will he be voting for in this election? Who does he want to win in this election?

Who is this "low life" supporting? Another low life?
Nope he is supporting the better choice