Omar Ilhan again lets it slip that her allegiance is to the Muslim President of Somalia, not the US

Because the KKK were there supporting Trump. It's not a good look to call them good.
If the KKK gang was there supporting Trump and the BLM black supremacist tribe was there opposing Trump is that is why you condemn Trump for suggesting some people there that day were good people?
Bullshyt. Racism is persecution because of race or colour. USA is a very racist country and you're a classic example.
We whites can recognoize when blacks and democrats hate us for being white and non-democrat.
Should I have more sympathy to white cops who choke people death and shoot unarmed blacks?

You racist old prick.
More innocent cops are murdered by blacks than innocent blacks are murdered by cops. Where is your fair and balanced outrage of murders from both sides?
I haven't made that claim.
I said and the court agreed, he was murdered by the copper who is in jail for it.
It's racist old pricks like you who denied it was murder attempting to protect a white copper.
You were wrong then and still are.
Lots of innocent people are jailed unfairly and unjustly, just like Chauvin was.
If the KKK gang was there supporting Trump and the BLM black supremacist tribe was there opposing Trump is that is why you condemn Trump for suggesting some people there that day were good people?
My point is as you deliberately avoided, the KKK are now in Trump's side. They were at j6 also.
I don't recall blm burning buildings that day.

We whites can recognoize when blacks and democrats hate us for being white and non-democrat.
And the blacks can recognise old coconuts like you too. You're a racist. Stop hiding it.
More innocent cops are murdered by blacks than innocent blacks are murdered by cops. Where is your fair and balanced outrage of murders from both sides?
There is no fair and balanced in USA. Old white godbotherers have far too much say. Their religious beliefs have never improved the country one bit but in fact have held it back for many years.
We've been over this before. He was found guilty of murder and you know it.
You're still trying to suggest Floyd was wrong. Get over it.
He was framed for a murder that was not a murder, because justice officials were influenced unjustly by black cop haters to pervert justice in efforts to prevent outbursts of violence from the uncivilized baboons.
My point is as you deliberately avoided, the KKK are now in Trump's side. They were at j6 also.
I don't recall blm burning buildings that day.

And the blacks can recognise old coconuts like you too. You're a racist. Stop hiding it.

There is no fair and balanced in USA. Old white godbotherers have far too much say. Their religious beliefs have never improved the country one bit but in fact have held it back for many years.
The devil could make a show of supporting Trump for whatever wicked reason but only dishonest liars could blame Trump for supporting the devil because of that.
He was framed for a murder that was not a murder, because justice officials were influenced unjustly by black cop haters to pervert justice in efforts to prevent outbursts of violence from the uncivilized baboons.
Same old shit.
He was framed for a murder that was not a murder, because justice officials were influenced unjustly by black cop haters to pervert justice in efforts to prevent outbursts of violence from the uncivilized baboons.