Omar Ilhan again lets it slip that her allegiance is to the Muslim President of Somalia, not the US

Some people believe thoughts are frormed by ghosts. Others may think thoughts are formed by stomach gas. Others may think demons or baboons or involved. Still others look to aliens for the answer. None of those myths are true. God gives to every living sinner a spirit with which to think and communicate with God and with others.
Oh really?
I hope you communicate with him because he forgot to give you anything to think with.
Oh really?
I hope you communicate with him because he forgot to give you anything to think with.
Let's see Mark prove that every human has a soul, but that no animal does.
Again, the burden to prove that anything exists is always on the person making the claim.
Mark was indoctrinated as a wee infant to believe a ton of silly nonsense, including a talking snake, demons and zombies.
Let's see Mark prove that every human has a soul, but that no animal does.
Again, the burden to prove that anything exists is always on the person making the claim.
Mark was indoctrinated as a wee infant to believe a ton of silly nonsense, including a talking snake, demons and zombies.
He swallowed a Bible when he was young and been constipated ever since.