Omar Ilhan again lets it slip that her allegiance is to the Muslim President of Somalia, not the US

The big bang is theoretical science, not proven science.
The big bang is a proven scientific fact and the remnants can still be seen. It's call microwave radiation background.
It doesn't matter if you think god did all but you're wrong and you have no evidence either way.
And, even if science did prove it, you wouldn't believe it anyway. If science proved there was no god, would you believe it? Of course not so why ask for scientific evidence anyway? Religion ridicules science like you do except when you need it.
Science is the graveyard of religion.
The big bang is a proven scientific fact and the remnants can still be seen. It's call microwave radiation background.
It doesn't matter if you think god did all but you're wrong and you have no evidence either way.
And, even if science did prove it, you wouldn't believe it anyway. If science proved there was no god, would you believe it? Of course not so why ask for scientific evidence anyway? Religion ridicules science like you do except when you need it.
Science is the graveyard of religion.
Sure. I am aware of all the kindergartion promotion films showing the miraculous explosion of billions of planets and stars across millions of miles of space in a moment without fuel, without cause, without plan, without design, and without logic. The children's film assume there were preexisting powers and matter that somehow ignorantly combined to blow the massive orbs across space's expanse into permanent positions of perpetual orbits, although there is no scientific proof that matter and energy had the intelligence or power to perform such a miracle, especially to perform the miracle of creation before they were created.
Sure. I am aware of all the kindergartion promotion films showing the miraculous explosion of billions of planets and stars across millions of miles of space in a moment without fuel, without cause, without plan, without design, and without logic. The children's film assume there were preexisting powers and matter that somehow ignorantly combined to blow the massive orbs across space's expanse into permanent positions of perpetual orbits, although there is no scientific proof that matter and energy had the intelligence or power to perform such a miracle, especially to perform the miracle of creation before they were created.
what "intelligence" do you require to follow physical laws? lol.

god you say the dumbest things.
Sure. I am aware of all the kindergartion promotion films showing the miraculous explosion of billions of planets and stars across millions of miles of space in a moment without fuel, without cause, without plan, without design, and without logic. The children's film assume there were preexisting powers and matter that somehow ignorantly combined to blow the massive orbs across space's expanse into permanent positions of perpetual orbits, although there is no scientific proof that matter and energy had the intelligence or power to perform such a miracle, especially to perform the miracle of creation before they were created.
Doesn't matter what you believe. It is the only plausible explanation with supporting evidence.
Evolution from the big bang has 13.4 billion years on its side whereby you have an old book written by sons of thornbush and sand and old demented godbotherers as evidence.
Yep you've really got your act together.
what "intelligence" do you require to follow physical laws? lol.

god you say the dumbest things.
Science does not tell the atheist rebels how their body creates electrical or chemical reactions to create thoughts instead of simply agreeing with God that humans have souls.
Science does not tell the atheist rebels how their body creates electrical or chemical reactions to create thoughts

It doesn't tell them anything. It discovered how it's done and surprise, no god was involved. Isn't evolution wonderful

instead of simply agreeing with God that humans have souls.
There is no evidence whatsoever a soul exists. I know you have nothing so don't bother saying you do. The fact you believe there's a god proves you would believe it though.
It doesn't tell them anything. It discovered how it's done and surprise, no god was involved. Isn't evolution wonderful
Really? Do you agree with God that you have a soul or do you believe science fiction speculations about ignorant random chemical reactions forming your thoughts for you?
There is no evidence whatsoever a soul exists. I know you have nothing so don't bother saying you do. The fact you believe there's a god proves you would believe it though.
Really? Do you agree with God that you have a soul or do you believe science fiction speculations about ignorant random chemical reactions forming your thoughts for you?
Firstly, there is no god and secondly, there is no soul. That's a fact because you can't prove it.

Let's assume there is no god. How else would the brain do it's thing? We know for certain electrical currents flow the the brain cells and they have since the first brain ever evolved, millions of years before your god was invented.
To answer your question.
There is no doubt science has discovered how it works and no god has been witnessed as participating.
Firstly, there is no god and secondly, there is no soul. That's a fact because you can't prove it.

Let's assume there is no god. How else would the brain do it's thing? We know for certain electrical currents flow the the brain cells and they have since the first brain ever evolved, millions of years before your god was invented.
To answer your question.
There is no doubt science has discovered how it works and no god has been witnessed as participating.
So you are going to stick with the speculation that your thoughts come from random ignorant electrical reactions through a process passed down from bonobos?
God what a stupid replynlol
Some people believe thoughts are frormed by ghosts. Others may think thoughts are formed by stomach gas. Others may think demons or baboons or involved. Still others look to aliens for the answer. None of those myths are true. God gives to every living sinner a spirit with which to think and communicate with God and with others.