Legitimate Demands[2]Barack’s Dilemma

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Legitimate Demands[2]Barack’s Dilemma

Brother: Adam Yahiye Gadahn (Azzam)

Rabi’ al-Akhar 1431H

All praise is due to Allah, Creator of the heavens and the earth, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and his companions, family and followers until the Day of Judgement.
I know that as you slither snakelike into the second year of your reign as a purported president of change, you are finding your hands full with running the affairs of a declining and besieged empire and – in the process – proving yourself to be nothing more than another treacherous, bloodthirsty and narrow-minded American war president, what with your overseeing of the hasty overhauling of America’s compromised homeland security cordon, your brazen escalation of American aggression and interference in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, and your removal of our captive brothers from detention facilities scattered around the globe to Muslim-only concentration camps in Illinois, Bagram and elsewhere, all in the name of protecting the American people from the threat of Muslim retaliation for American crimes, or what you insist on calling the threat of al-Qaida and al-Qaida inspired terrorism.

But I would like to pull you aside, Barack, just for a moment, to ask you a straightforward and sincere question: exactly when are you – and those behind you – going to get it into your heads, and admit to yourselves and your public, that the solution to America’s security problems and defense concerns, is not to be found in the imposition of stricter policing measures or the improvement of intelligence sharing, nor is the solution to be found in your occupation of our countries with your thuggish military, nor in your flooding of them with pilotless planes in the air and virtueless spies on the ground, nor is the solution to be found in your propping up of the despicable and despised regimes of our region with your money and materiel, nor is the solution to be found in your killing or capture of this-or-that leader of the Jihad or your condemning of this-or-that suspected Mujahid to a dungeon in America, Afghanistan or anywhere else, nor is the solution to be found in your calculated election of a devious, evasive and serpentine American president with a Muslim name and background who smiles at us – or rather, smirks at us – while lunging at us with the same fangs with which previous war presidents bit us.

No, Barack, years of trial and error – with the emphasis on error – by those who came before you have demonstrated that not only do steps like these never succeed in improving America’s security, they are actually detrimental to America’s safety and stability.

And honestly, Barack, as a president who has proven himself to be incapable of keeping intruders out of his own executive mansion, do you really expect anyone to believe that you will be successful in your attempts to keep the Mujahideen away from an entire continent?

And come to think of it, Barack, as a man whose most prominent spy bureau boasts agents so inept they can’t even protect their own clandestine operating bases from infiltration by our daring martyrs, could you please tell me how exactly you plan to go about inspiring Americans’ confidence in the half-baked intelligence reforms you say you’re about to implement?

Make no mistake about it, Barack: you’re no longer the popular man you once were, a year ago or so. Don’t let the standing ovations you get wherever you go fool you; after all, didn’t they keep applauding George W. Bush until the day he left office in disgrace?

Yes Barack, as the recent loss of your party’s traditional Massachusetts Senate seat shows, and as even you yourself have admitted, a large number of Americans are quickly losing their patience with you, but not just because of your healthcare reform package, as you so disingenuously implied. No Barack, I’m not the only one who believes that healthcare isn’t even the main reason for Americans’ growing anger with you. As pointed out by a number of political analysts, American voters – especially independents and moderate Democrats – sent you a warning message in Massachusetts because you’re a man many of them voted for last year in the mistaken and – may I add – rather naive belief that you were going to serve America’s interests by getting America out of wars and ending its occupation of countries and interference in the affairs of sovereign states. But instead of the dove and man of peace they were hoping for, the American people have found themselves saddled with yet another hawk and yet another war president who, by shamelessly igniting new conflicts and throwing fuel on the fire of old ones, has only succeeded in putting more American lives in jeopardy and doing more damage to America’s chances of survival…and his own chances of reelection.

Yes Barack, public dissatisfaction with your policies now runs so deep that it extends beyond the usual group of pacifists and far-left dissidents to encompass veterans of American aggression abroad, some of whom are also veterans of your own election campaign!

The fact is, Barack, if you ever decide to get serious about improving America’s security, protecting the American people and preventing a sharp rise in the number of American casualties at home and abroad and in the air, at sea and on land, then there are a number of simple, sound and effective steps which you can take which can go a long way towards achieving those goals. The Muslim Mujahideen defending their faith and brethren against your nation’s evildoing have repeatedly made clear these steps, but because I suspect you have been living in the ivory tower and information vacuum in which arrogant Washington insiders like you often live, I shall summarize these steps here. I strongly suggest you heed and implement them, for your own good and the good of your people.

First, you must pull every last one of your soldiers, spies, security advisors, trainers, attaches, contractors, robots, drones and all other American personnel, ships and aircraft out of every Muslim land from Afghanistan to Zanzibar.

Second, you must end all support – both moral and material – to Israel and bar your citizens from traveling to Occupied Palestine or settling there, and you must impose a blanket ban on American trade with the Zionist regime and investment in it. Your security will not be improved by empty threats like those your special envoy made about the possible suspension of American loans, in and of itself a largely meaningless gesture. As Shaykh Usama told you, if you don’t heed our warnings and stop your support of Israel, we will have no choice but to continue to use other ways to get our message across.
Third, you must stop all support and aid – be it military, political, economic or otherwise – to the hated regimes of the Muslim world. This includes the so-called “development aid” which your secretary of state recently identified as being one of the most important elements of future American efforts to combat the Islamic renaissance and Jihadi awakening sweeping the Muslim world.

Fourth, you must cease all interference in the religion, society, politics, economy and government of the Islamic world. This means putting an immediate stop to the deployment of your economic hit men, CIA jackals, Peace Corps volunteers, USAID employees, and UN-and-US-sponsored non-governmental organizations, all of which, put together, represent the vanguard of American interference in our region and the world.

Fifth, you must also put an end to all forms of American and American sponsored interference in the educational curricula and information media of the Muslim world, and you must end all broadcasts targeting our region, especially those designed to alter or destroy the faith, minds, morals and values of our Muslim people.

And sixth, you must free all Muslim captives from your prisons, detention facilities and concentration camps, regardless of whether they have been recipients of what you call a "fair" trial or not. As our heroic brother Abu Dujaanah al-Khorasaani told you with his words and actions, we will never forget our prisoners.

Your refusal to release our prisoners or your failure to meet any of our other legitimate demands will mean the continuation of our just struggle against your tyranny until – God willing – you finally relent, but only after massive losses and great suffering for the people of America which you – Barack Hussein Obama – can still prevent, provided you make the right decision today.

And let us be clear, Barack: a pullout from Iraq alone, in the absence of compliance with the remainder of our legitimate demands, will get you nowhere. So stop wasting your time, Barack, and start making some serious moves.

Come on, Barack, be honest for once! Just what is it that’s stopping you from doing the right thing and ending this bloody Crusade? Is it because it’s not “good politics” and might incur the wrath of the conservative right? Fine, Barack, but as you noted in your State of the Union address, that didn’t stop you from trying to push through your package of healthcare reforms! Or are you afraid of alienating the Jewish lobby within your own party? OK, Barack, but if that’s the case, then why not just declare “minority rule” and put an end to this charade of democracy? Or is it that you’re afraid of being accused of appeasement? Well, OK Barack, but haven’t your political opponents been accusing you anyway since before you were elected of being a man who is at the very least soft on America’s enemies, if not their loyal agent? Or perhaps you’re afraid of being accused of backtracking on your principles and breaking your campaign promise to go after what you call “al Qaida and its affiliates”? Well frankly, Barack, I think this is one of the few principles you haven’t backtracked on and one of the few promises you haven’t broken; so what’s wrong with one final flip-flop, but this time for a good cause?

And that reminds me, Barack, of one other fact I’d like to emphasize before I let you go, and it’s – once again – a fact which you and your advisors and speechwriters refuse to acknowledge publicly, despite our leaders reiterating it to you on numerous occasions: namely, the fact that you are neither facing individuals nor organizations, but rather, are facing the Jihadi awakening of the Muslim nation, or Ummah, which has come out of its long slumber and now understands who its enemies are, who its friends are, and what its duty is towards its religion and homelands; and al-Qaida is only one manifestation of this Jihadi awakening, albeit a pioneering one which – by the grace of God – has taken a leading role at the head of the Ummah’s Mujahid vanguard and has had undeniable success in rallying the Muslims to unite in opposition to America and its allies. But as long as you continue to feign ignorance of this indisputable truth and tell yourselves that you are only at war with al-Qaida and its affiliates and not with the vast majority of Muslims (whom you apparently think just love to be killed, robbed and occupied by America and its friends)… as long as you take this path, you will have condemned yourselves to pursuing the same policies, committing the same crimes and making the same blunders which brought upon America disasters like the September 11th raids, the Fort Hood operation, and the Christmas Day attack.

Major Nidal Malik Hasan isn’t a member of al-Qaida, Barack, nor of any other Islamic group for that matter. In fact, once upon a time, he was one of yours. The thousands of other Muslims in America eager to perform the duty of defensive Jihad also aren’t members of al-Qaida. And you know what, Barack? Al-Qaida hasn’t been around forever, and even actual members of al-Qaida weren’t born as members. No, Barack, this organization and those like it came into being for a reason and as a reaction, and those who are members joined up for a reason and as a reaction. In other words, Barack, even if you were to succeed in eliminating al-Qaida, or even if we were to imagine a world without al-Qaida in the first place, there would still be hundreds of millions of Muslims ready and willing to fight you, whether individually or under the Jihadi banner and name of their choosing, so long as you insist on depriving the Muslims of their rights and ignoring their legitimate demands.

Yes, Barack, just as our demands remain the same, the choice America and its allies face also remains the same: either the possible restoration of your safety and security by ignoring the opposition of your tyrannical corporations and special-interest groups and restoring the rights you have stolen from Muslims and other persecuted and oppressed nations, or guaranteeing for yourselves a future of misery, insecurity and – ultimately – defeat, should you continue to ravage our countries, interfere in our affairs and trample on our dignity, liberty and sovereignty.

So it’s your choice, Barack: continuing to compete with George W. Bush for first place on the list of America’s worst-ever presidents by letting the United States deteriorate further on the death march towards breakdown and disintegration on which it was sent off by your infamous predecessor, or braving the storm and fulfilling those lofty-sounding campaign promises you made and truly changing how things are done in Washington. I don’t mean superficial changes which do more harm than good: I mean changes which matter, like the changes legitimately demanded by the vast majority of Muslims around the globe, changes which I have conveniently summarized for you today.

Let there be no doubt about it, Barack: mere words and symbolic gestures won’t make us lay down our guns and sheathe our sharpened swords. No, Barack, however many flimsy olive branches you might extend, and however many out-of-context Quranic verses and empty greetings of peace you might recite on a Cairo stage, the relationship between us and you shall never change as long as your pretty words are belied by your ugly actions.

Similarly, no hypocritical State Department report criticizing Europe for its repression of Muslim rights can possibly distract us from the fact that America continues to be the world leader in persecution and oppression of Muslims.
So do your worst, Barack, but always remember: you can kill and imprison as many of us as you like, but for every one of us who bids farewell to this world as a martyr or sacrifices his freedom in the path of God, there are dozens more ready to take his place in the ranks of the Mujahideen fighting for the rights of Muslims and the glory of Islam.

And Barack, there’s one other thing you should keep in mind as you mull over your next move: when one compares the already huge number of dead, wounded, displaced and deprived Muslims and other people for whose suffering you bear responsibility, with the relatively small number of Americans we have killed so far, it becomes crystal-clear that we haven’t even begun to even the score. That’s why, next time, we might not show the restraint and self-control we have shown up until now. So make your choice, Barack, before it’s too late.

And our final prayer is that all praise is due to Allah, who gives victory to the believers.

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