Mitt Romney's comments about the current POTUS


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
“Whether he intended to or not, what he communicated caused racists to rejoice, minorities to weep, and the vast heart of America to mourn,” Mr. Romney wrote. “His apologists strain to explain that he didn’t mean what we heard. But what we heard is now the reality, and unless it is addressed by the president as such, with unprecedented candor and strength, there may commence an unraveling of our national fabric.”

“Our allies around the world are stunned and our enemies celebrate; America’s ability to help secure a peaceful and prosperous world is diminished. And who would want to come to the aid of a country they perceive as racist if ever the need were to arise, as it did after 9/11?” Mr. Romney said. “In homes across the nation, children are asking their parents what this means. Jews, blacks, Hispanics, Muslims are as much a part of America as whites and Protestants. But today they wonder. Where might this lead? To bitterness and tears, or perhaps to anger and violence?”

“He should address the American people, acknowledge that he was wrong, apologize,” Mr. Romney wrote. “State forcefully and unequivocally that racists are 100% to blame for the murder and violence in Charlottesville.”

“I don’t want to see trickle-down racism, I don’t want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation. And trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny — all of these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America.”

Mr. Romney added, “I think his comments time and again appeal to the racist tendency that exists in some people, and I think that’s very dangerous.”

“But much more than that, it is a moment that will define America in the hearts of our children,” he wrote. “They are watching, our soldiers are watching, the world is watching. Mr. President, act now for the good of the country.”

Right on, Mr. Romney. Too bad you weren't the nominee in '16. Maybe one of the major parties will get it right next time around.


Right on, Mr. Romney. Too bad you weren't the nominee in '16. Maybe one of the major parties will get it right next time around.

Muttophobe Mitt

Like you, feralphile felines love a fatcat who hate dogs. They dedicated this poem to the Wonderful Willard:

The Romster is no RINO
He's as cuddly as
The Flintstones' Dino!

What the GOPers have been seekin'
Is a dorky Mormon deacon.

Better back Rom, boys
Only he can defeat
The Debbycrat tomboys!

Right on, Mr. Romney. Too bad you weren't the nominee in '16. Maybe one of the major parties will get it right next time around.

Yes, all we need is another coward, and a corporate raider to send even more jobs out of country.
I am glad you guys all found religion on Mitt Romney all of a sudden....

For those of us that actually did vote the guy in 2012, I'll just highlight a few of the things that you Democrats had to say about him back then:

1) He is an out of touch elitist rich guy
2) He had radically unacceptable views about women
3) He only was successful in life because of his dad
4) He was responsible for a worker dying of cancer
5) He is going to "put you back in chains"
6) He doesn't pay his taxes

The list literally can go on and on and on - I'll continue it if you would like further examples. It doesn't really matter what Republican runs - the attacks will be the same. If you guys are curious why you got a collective shrug with the hyperbolic rhetoric from Democrats this go around look no further than the mirror.
I am glad you guys all found religion on Mitt Romney all of a sudden....

For those of us that actually did vote the guy in 2012, I'll just highlight a few of the things that you Democrats had to say about him back then:

1) He is an out of touch elitist rich guy
2) He had radically unacceptable views about women
3) He only was successful in life because of his dad
4) He was responsible for a worker dying of cancer
5) He is going to "put you back in chains"
6) He doesn't pay his taxes

The list literally can go on and on and on - I'll continue it if you would like further examples. It doesn't really matter what Republican runs - the attacks will be the same. If you guys are curious why you got a collective shrug with the hyperbolic rhetoric from Democrats this go around look no further than the mirror.
Of course the Democrats aren't going to have anything good to say. He's a Republican, after all. Partisanship reigns supreme.
I am glad you guys all found religion on Mitt Romney all of a sudden....

For those of us that actually did vote the guy in 2012, I'll just highlight a few of the things that you Democrats had to say about him back then:

1) He is an out of touch elitist rich guy
2) He had radically unacceptable views about women
3) He only was successful in life because of his dad
4) He was responsible for a worker dying of cancer
5) He is going to "put you back in chains"
6) He doesn't pay his taxes

The list literally can go on and on and on - I'll continue it if you would like further examples. It doesn't really matter what Republican runs - the attacks will be the same. If you guys are curious why you got a collective shrug with the hyperbolic rhetoric from Democrats this go around look no further than the mirror.

Tell me, was any of what was said untrue? Did you agree with Bains Capital shutting down businesses while Romney was running, and sending the jobs to China? Did you agree with his cowardice, to which he belated admitted, during Vietnam, or the cowardice of his sons? Are you going to feel bad about the lies told about Obama? Or the ignoring of the truth about Trump?

Anyway, the whining of the right is starting already.