Democrats tie Akin ‘legitimate rape’ comments to Romney-Ryan


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Democrats are trying to tie Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to GOP Rep. Todd Akin's claim that victims of "legitimate rape" rarely get pregnant, accusing Republicans of trying to drag women back to "the Dark Ages."
"Akin's choice of words isn't the real issue here," Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz said in a fundraising email. "The real issue is a Republican Party—led by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan—whose policies on women and their health are dangerously wrong."
"I'm outraged at the Republicans trying to take women back to the Dark Ages—if you agree, join me in taking a stand for women," she said.
Akin—who claimed rape-induced pregnancies are rare because "if it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down"—later said he misspoke.
And the Romney campaign put out a statement distancing itself from the remarks. "Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin's statement, and a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape," spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg said.
But Wasserman Schultz highlighted Romney's vow to end federal funding for Planned Parenthood and noted that Ryan co-sponsored legislation that would have narrowed the rape exception in an anti-abortion bill to "forcible rape." House Republicans dropped the measure after an outcry.

Again the mainstream media hits republicans on this. And Debbie Wasserman Schultz was outraged about that comment.But she sure wasnt outraged when Joe Biden said it a year ago remember?

Just another example of the double standard applied by the media. Many on the Left say all sorts of idiotic things, but the media lets it go.

Many Rs apparently do not see the double standard and quickly throw those Rs who make mistakes under the bus. Ds don't do this...for example, the doufus Biden claims Rs want to put black Americans in chains and the WH and BO refuse to criticize him...I believe they backed his comments....while the lib media looks the other way.

And again, is it any wonder liberals are so uninformed when they get all their news from biased sources?
This is so dumb. There was a medical paper written about this several years ago, that women who are traumatized aren't as likely to get pregnant. I also suspect that women who are raped are offered the morning after pill. Leave it too the party that deliberately lies to make a big deal out of this.

Bass tards.
Yeah the Media looked the other way when Joe Biden made that rape speech. But when republicans do simalar it gets put on the NEW YORK TIMES and on the CBS Evening News. If Walter Cronkite was still alive and doing the CBS Evening News he would report on both parties including that Biden rape speech.
ah, didn't know that. All the radio hosts are wanting him to quit, but it doesn't look like he's going to.
damn shame, that was all but certain flip to red

As of yesterday, Akin hadn't lost any support in the polling. But now that the right has decided to take on the left's stupid mantra, your probably right. This is a Democrat's "Macaca" moment, and the stupid R's fell for it again.
Hes Learning from the Democrats. You gotta play their game. Look remember Senators Robert Byrd & Harry Reid? When they got racist they wouldnt step down they got Re-Elected. So learn to play the same game the democrats are doing.
Biden says dumber things on any given day, and he's a sitting Vice President. Why is it always the Republicans that eat their own?
Rumor has it--the Republicans are finally going to take off the kid gloves and throw some punches this election.
It's about time.