Paul Ryan a Bold VP Choice but Romney/Ryan Plan Will Hammer the Middle Class


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Republican candidate Mitt Romney made a bold choice in picking Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to be his VP candidate.

According to the New York Times, based on his Congressional voting record, Ryan is one of the most extreme VP candidates in the past century, on either side of the aisle. The standard political strategy is for the VP candidate to be closer to the center, but the Romney campaign is betting that energizing the right-wing "base" of the party will help the ticket win in November.

Bold choices are also risky choices, however, and Romney-Ryan's views on how the country should deal with its budget deficit may alienate many Americans, especially those in the middle class.
Before diving into the details, it's important to note that Paul Ryan deserves credit for publishing a specific deficit reduction proposal. Unlike other Congress-folk, who eagerly condemn America's budget mess but offer no specific solutions for it, Ryan was brave enough to actually publish a plan.
Ryan's basic premise in his budget proposal is right: The country's current fiscal path is unsustainable and if we do nothing, we're screwed. You can disagree with Ryan's future assumptions and how he proposes to solve the problem (many Americans will very much disagree), but at least he's acknowledging the problem and offering a solution. The Democrats, meanwhile, and even Mitt Romney, just keep making vague references to the need for deficit reduction.
Ether way YOURE SCREWED! You vote for Obama youre screwed,,You vote for Mitt and youre screwed. This is why we need a 3rd party candidate
I guess the left would prefer to have the whole economy collapse, food shortages and a depression over living within our means.
Andd Reagan helped the middle class. He gave us jobs and money to spend. The 80s was a great decade. But nothing compared to the 1950s.
Andd Reagan helped the middle class. He gave us jobs and money to spend. The 80s was a great decade. But nothing compared to the 1950s.

And Eisenhower/Nixon were Republicans too, just like Reagan.....go figure
Nixon was an asshole! Wartergate,Gas Shortage! and Long Lines!!!

Watergate was childsplay compared to the current Fast & Furious cover-up.
The gas shortages and gas lines were during the Carter (Democrat) Administration.
The OPEC oil embargo in '73 was because of the Israeli Yam Kipper war.
But Nixon choice not to defend israel. All this could have been advoided if he sent the U.S Navy to the gulf.Nixon was almost impeached. But wheres the impeachment hearings on Obama on his Fast & Furious scandal?