Omar Ilhan again lets it slip that her allegiance is to the Muslim President of Somalia, not the US

Some people believe thoughts are frormed by ghosts. Others may think thoughts are formed by stomach gas. Others may think demons or baboons or involved. Still others look to aliens for the answer. None of those myths are true. God gives to every living sinner a spirit with which to think and communicate with God and with others.
"some people" lol.
some people are more intelligent than you. based on your posts, nearly everyone is.
let me know when you have the ability to form even dumb thoughts. you certainly show no ability to form intelligent ones
How do scientists say ignorant electrical impulses create thoughts and logic without the benefit of human souls?
What good can possibly come from having an anti-American, Christian and Jew hating Muslim whose allegiance is to another nation as a US lawmaker?

Ilhan Omar caught on tape saying who her ‘real’ president is | Blaze Media ( 2-1-24

Ilhan Omar caught on tape saying who her ‘real’ president is

“The whole purpose of the United States of America is that you assimilate into the culture of the United States of America,” says Dave Rubin.

“You don't forget all of your traditions. ... You don't forget where you're from. You don't forget your family,” he says, “but you have it fold into this beautiful thing that is America.”

That concept, however, is wholly lost on Ilhan Omar, who has time and time again expressed anti-American sentiments in favor of her Somali background.

“The problem now is that the progressives and the elitists” — people like Omar — “tell us that this place is evil and it's racist and its founding was awful” because “they want now to turn this country into the types of countries that most of our ancestors had to flee from,” explains Dave.

In a recent speech in which Omar proclaimed her support for Somalia in its territorial dispute with Somaliland, the Minnesota rep. claimed that her true president is the president of Somalia.

“Our president, the president of Somalia — President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud — let us give him a warm welcome, Minneapolis!” Omar announced to a cheering crowd.

“The president and I have a special relationship. I call him uncle, and he calls me his girl. Welcome to your home; our home is your home. ... We are very happy that Hassan is our president. Somalia is our home. It is home to all the people gathered here. We do not feel that it is far from us. Somalia is our heart. It is in our hearts. We always think about Somalia,” Omar continued.

This isn’t the only time Omar has boldly prioritized Somalia above the United States.
She will again run for office, as all Representatives must, and her constituents will elect her or someone else. There is ZERO indication that she wants the US to imitate Somalia.
How do scientists say ignorant electrical impulses create thoughts and logic without the benefit of human souls?\\
So tell the scientists how to prove that souls exist.
First, there needs to be agreement on what a soul is. There is widespread disagreement about this.

You claim that animals have no souls, but all humans do... even those that are born without a brain. Yet we can tell from the actions of dogs, cats, whales, elephants, and other creatures that they react to stimuli in the same way that humans do.

There is obviously a thought process that takes place in the brains of humans as well as of other animals that does not necessarily have to be immortal or connected with any celestial creatures up there in the sky.

How can you prove that souls are immortal, that animals do not possess souls, or that there is some arrangement that gives the souls of people who have died some form of immortality.

We know that the universe is immense, that entire star systems have come into being, survived for billions of years and then blown up long before our Sun and Earth existed. Nothing in the universe shows any signs of being immortal.
So tell the scientists how to prove that souls exist.
First, there needs to be agreement on what a soul is. There is widespread disagreement about this.

You claim that animals have no souls, but all humans do... even those that are born without a brain. Yet we can tell from the actions of dogs, cats, whales, elephants, and other creatures that they react to stimuli in the same way that humans do.

There is obviously a thought process that takes place in the brains of humans as well as of other animals that does not necessarily have to be immortal or connected with any celestial creatures up there in the sky.

How can you prove that souls are immortal, that animals do not possess souls, or that there is some arrangement that gives the souls of people who have died some form of immortality.

We know that the universe is immense, that entire star systems have come into being, survived for billions of years and then blown up long before our Sun and Earth existed. Nothing in the universe shows any signs of being immortal.
Science that is accurate must admit it has no clue how humans think thoughts.
You offer no scientific proof that your thoughts are formed without a soul.
Here is the way it works.

You say "Unicorns exist". There is a unicorn on the coat of arms of the United Kingdom and unicorns have been stamped onto the royal coinage.

But then, I say that the only way I am going to believe in the existence of unicorns is if you show me an actual live unicorn.

The same is true of souls.

If you say X exists, you must PROVE it. You must show me evidence of its existence.
Mention in the Bible does not count. The Bible claims that demons cause insanity. The Bible claims that zombies once cruised Jerusalem to celebrate the crucifixion. The Bible claims that millions of Hebrews escaped Egypt and there is zero evidence of any of these occurrences.

There is more evidence for the existence of unicorns than of the existence of souls.
Here is the way it works.

You say "Unicorns exist". There is a unicorn on the coat of arms of the United Kingdom and unicorns have been stamped onto the royal coinage.

But then, I say that the only way I am going to believe in the existence of unicorns is if you show me an actual live unicorn.

The same is true of souls.

If you say X exists, you must PROVE it. You must show me evidence of its existence.
Mention in the Bible does not count. The Bible claims that demons cause insanity. The Bible claims that zombies once cruised Jerusalem to celebrate the crucifixion. The Bible claims that millions of Hebrews escaped Egypt and there is zero evidence of any of these occurrences.

There is more evidence for the existence of unicorns than of the existence of souls.
No souls? So how does your body form thoughts from chemical or electric impulses?
That is a lie, there are thousands of neurologists that know a lot about this.
You are an ignorant fundie that believes in talking snakes.
Can you provide an explanation from just one of these thousands of neurologists you know about who can explain how intelligent thoughts are created by ignoirant chemical or electrical impulses with no involvement from a single human soul?
What is a soul? There is no definition in the Bible of a soul.
How can you prove that people have soul and dog's do not?

Where in the body is the soul located? Why can't the soul be found by an MRI scan?

A Soul is a popular brand of Korean small SUV.