Omar Ilhan again lets it slip that her allegiance is to the Muslim President of Somalia, not the US

I know that John Bunyan was a fictional character in the novel Pilgrim's Progress.
Just like his famous brother Paul the lumberjack, who owned a Blue Ox.

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Yes, John Bunyan did write the Pilgrim's Progress while he was locked up for 13 years by the state-approved clergy for not submitting to their rules. But I was mistaken. It was John Newton who was a former slave and slave trader who fought against slavery after he was saved, thank God.

Thank God also that John Bunyan rejected the leftist liberals of his day even to the point of being imprisoned for years like modern Christians being imprisoned by democrats for standing against the murder of babies today.
So you are saying that all the Black people in the US have gotten together and allowed the entire county to be looted and burned?
I know of no such looting or burning.
No one has the right to loot and burn property.
Where did you get this bizarre idea?
Not at all. Not all blacks supported the uncivilized looting and burning of 2020 and certainly not all Christians supported the democrat practice of slavery hundreds of years ago.
I made a mistake. It was not John Bunyan who was a former slave and former slave trader who got saved and spent the rest of his life fighting against slavery. That was John Newton.
Why yes, John Bunyan is a fictional character in a rather sanctimonious novel.
Yes, John Bunyan did write the Pilgrim's Progress while he was locked up for 13 years by the state-approved clergy for not submitting to their rules. But I was mistaken. It was John Newton who was a former slave and slave trader who fought against slavery after he was saved, thank God.

Thank God also that John Bunyan rejected the leftist liberals of his day even to the point of being imprisoned for years like modern Christians being imprisoned by democrats for standing against the murder of babies today.
There were "leftist Liberals" in the early 1800's? Were they the Whigs? They certainly were not the Tories.I bet you are going to tell us that these "leftist Liberals" were in favor of slavery.

Here is what women did in the 1700's and 1800's if they decided they did not want to be encumbered with unwanted children: they went to the local midwife, who, if they were fortunate, knew which herbs would induce an abortion. Some of them died, some succeeded.

In most of the US the midwives were banned from practicing medicine. Midwifery has always been a rather respected occupation in the UK. They are licensed and have been integrated into the British Health Service. There is even a famous TV series on the BBC about them, called "Call the Midwife".

It is amazing how utterly ignorant you are about history.

Now you are accusing Black people of looting and burning. George Floyd, whose death you celebrate, was neither looting nor burning, He only seems to have tried to pass a counterfeit $20 bill.

It would have been far better off for those cops to have just turned him loose. Millions of dollars of valuable property would not have been looted and burned.

You say you oppose racial discrimination, yet you think George Floyd deserved to die.
Why yes, John Bunyan is a fictional character in a rather sanctimonious novel.
I don't know who that was but I do know the writer of Pilgrim's Progress was the much persecuted John Bunyan who no doubt never received any compensation for spending 13 years in prison for refusing to kowtow to ungody church and political leaders over religious freedom.
There were "leftist Liberals" in the early 1800's? Were they the Whigs? They certainly were not the Tories.I bet you are going to tell us that these "leftist Liberals" were in favor of slavery.
All opponents of God and righteousness of all ages were and are leftist liberals.
Now you are accusing Black people of looting and burning. George Floyd, whose death you celebrate, was neither looting nor burning, He only seems to have tried to pass a counterfeit $20 bill.
There was no excuse for the tribal barbarian riots that saw looting and burning in 2020 that created unfair economic losses of billions of dollars inflicted on innocent Americans.
It would have been far better off for those cops to have just turned him loose. Millions of dollars of valuable property would not have been looted and burned.
God's enemies think they can threaten violence to force others to yield to their ungodly demands. God and Christians honor no such nonsense threats.
You say you oppose racial discrimination, yet you think George Floyd deserved to die.
You falsely accuse me of thinking Floyd deserved to die. That makes you a liar and a racist.
I made a mistake. It was not John Bunyan who was a former slave and former slave trader who got saved and spent the rest of his life fighting against slavery. That was John Newton.
Why yes, John Bunyan is a fictional character in a rather sanctimonious novel.

John Newton was the captain of a slave ship and was actually enslaved himself and that convinced him to be against slavery. Then he went about singing Amazing Grace and preaching all about England.
I don't agree with Christians, like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and even George Washington when those Christians take positions against the will of God and for the side of the devil.
The Bible condones slavery
Slave holders are on the side of God
Well your evil god
How did blacks allow that, exactly? Did blacks as a whole vote on it or something? Duh
No you aren't right
You are a lying ****** lol
I'm not saying all blacks justified violence, arson, and looting, but there were definitely uncivilized tribes of barbarians who did. 8-13-20

BLM organizer who called looting ‘reparations’ dismisses peaceful protesting

The Chicago Black Lives Matter organizer who justified looting as “reparation” has doubled down — insisting this week that even calling someone a criminal is “based on racism.”
I'm not saying all blacks justified violence, arson, and looting, but there were definitely uncivilized tribes of barbarians who did. 8-13-20

BLM organizer who called looting ‘reparations’ dismisses peaceful protesting

The Chicago Black Lives Matter organizer who justified looting as “reparation” has doubled down — insisting this week that even calling someone a criminal is “based on racism.”
So blacks as a group didn't authorize it
Don't you ever get tired of be8ng stupid and lying lol
So blacks as a group didn't authorize it
Don't you ever get tired of be8ng stupid and lying lol
Of course not all blacks supported the uncivilized barbaric behavior of 2020 gangsters any more than all Christians of yesteryear supported the democrat institution of slavery. However, as ungodly savages supported slavery in the past we are seeing godless savages supporting hatred, violence, looting, and destruction in our present.
Of course not all blacks supported the uncivilized barbaric behavior of 2020 gangsters any more than all Christians of yesteryear supported the democrat institution of slavery. However, as ungodly savages supported slavery in the past we are seeing godless savages supporting hatred, violence, looting, and destruction in our present.
So again you lied
Blacks as a group did not authorize the looting
God hates when you are a pathetic lying mor..on lol