Omar Ilhan again lets it slip that her allegiance is to the Muslim President of Somalia, not the US

Not all Christians are stupid. The stupidest ones are the Young Earthers who think the Universe is 6000 years old and that evolution was a plot by Darwin to discredit Jesus.

Those who vote for Trump are the dumbest of them all.
Nobody can be stupider than the ***** who imagines that billions of stars and planets accidentally exploded themselves into ordered arrangements across trillions of miles of space in an instant.
No. My hatred of god and his religions is my issue. I can see how it ruined your life.

You failed to support your claim and I proved you wrong. Would you like to apologise? You religion failed you again.
You have proved nothing except your own poor reasoning.
Do you really believe slave owners gave a shit about some silly god before making a purchase of them or how they treated them?
They didn't and they were never godly. Your stinking Bible approved of slavery so you cannot defend them.
I know John Bunyan was a slave trader before he got saved but after he got saved he became a firebrand opponent of slavery. Getting right with God turns Christians into firebrand abolitionists.
I know John Bunyan was a slave trader before he got saved

Saved from what? Don't give me that rubbish.

but after he got saved he became a firebrand opponent of slavery. Getting right with God turns Christians into firebrand abolitionists.
You do go on with bullshyt. How did god knows what he did? How did he know he was saved?
Email or text?
Now do you see how stupid you sound?
You condemned Christians while neglecting to separate the good from the bad, effectually condemning all Christians by mentioning no exceptions.
If you think Christians have morals given to them by your god, you should read the old testament again.
Murderous, misogynist child killing bastard.
You said name one Christian who had slaves and I did. You were wrong.
I accept your apology.
Say again? You named a God-honoring Christian who owned slaves? You found one? What was his name again? Did he have a closer relationship with Jesus than Biden or Hillary has?
You condemned Christians while neglecting to separate the good from the bad, effectually condemning all Christians by mentioning no exceptions.
i condemned them as a group since as a group they allowed slavery.
that doesn't condemn all christians individually. duh
god you are stupid
Nobody can be stupider than the ***** who imagines that billions of stars and planets accidentally exploded themselves into ordered arrangements across trillions of miles of space in an instant.
prove that can't be true. lol.
but you can't, lying ****** :)
Say again? You named a God-honoring Christian who owned slaves? You found one? What was his name again? Did he have a closer relationship with Jesus than Biden or Hillary has?
george washington owned slaves and was a christian.
along with many other christians.
and they were honoring god because the bible condones slavery and they were following the bible. duh.
I know John Bunyan was a slave trader before he got saved but after he got saved he became a firebrand opponent of slavery. Getting right with God turns Christians into firebrand abolitionists.
I know that John Bunyan was a fictional character in the novel Pilgrim's Progress.
Just like his famous brother Paul the lumberjack, who owned a Blue Ox.

paul bunyan.webp
i condemned them as a group since as a group they allowed slavery.
that doesn't condemn all christians individually. duh
god you are stupid
As a group blacks allowed the looting and burning of America so to hell with blacks, ammiright?
george washington owned slaves and was a christian.
along with many other christians.
and they were honoring god because the bible condones slavery and they were following the bible. duh.
I don't agree with Christians, like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and even George Washington when those Christians take positions against the will of God and for the side of the devil.
I know John Bunyan was a slave trader before he got saved but after he got saved he became a firebrand opponent of slavery. Getting right with God turns Christians into firebrand abolitionists.
I made a mistake. It was not John Bunyan who was a former slave and former slave trader who got saved and spent the rest of his life fighting against slavery. That was John Newton.
As a group blacks allowed the looting and burning of America so to hell with blacks, ammiright?
So you are saying that all the Black people in the US have gotten together and allowed the entire county to be looted and burned?
I know of no such looting or burning.
No one has the right to loot and burn property.
Where did you get this bizarre idea?