I had a lug nut tell me there was no problem with Venezuela illegals , lets look at what JOE and giggles gave us.

I cannot figure out what's wrong with so of them here. They act like there's no problem and its a good thing..
When you consider that so many have come from that natin that the crime rate there has gone down and we post the facts about the crime they are committing our nation.
And his answer was what about trump .
Major city's mayors are complaining about the cost the housing the crime and the lug nuts here act like its a good thing and not a problem. .
No nation can absorb that amount of people in such a short time .
They must like hard core gangs and criminal groups coming in to the nation from all over the world. Not just a few criminals as lug nut claim but thousands enough from just 1 nation to alter that's nations crime rate

Something wrong with them mentally like Biden I think because no one would do that to their nation willing who actually care about their nation.
I cannot figure out what's wrong with so of them here. They act like there's no problem and its a good thing..
When you consider that so many have come from that natin that the crime rate there has gone down and we post the facts about the crime they are committing our nation.
And his answer was what about trump .
Major city's mayors are complaining about the cost the housing the crime and the lug nuts here act like its a good thing and not a problem. .
No nation can absorb that amount of people in such a short time .
They must like hard core gangs and criminal groups coming in to the nation from all over the world. Not just a few criminals as lug nut claim but thousands enough from just 1 nation to alter that's nations crime rate

Something wrong with them mentally like Biden I think because no one would do that to their nation willing who actually care about their nation.
there is something wrong mentally with you, that's for sure.
does that help?
yes, people commit crimes. no one denies that. duh.

we can't help people from outside the us without having some crimes committed.
do we stop helping anyone from outside the us because of that?

do legal aliens ever commit crimes? of course they do. should we stop letting legal aliens in too?
Leftists claim creating massive problems for Americans by ushering in millions of illegal voters is somehow helping the poor.
there is something wrong mentally with you, that's for sure.
does that help?
Thats right lug nut when you cannot deny the truth and are not man enough to admit you were wrong , you attack the poster the sources or call it right wing blather or use the ever popular what about trump line .
Yes your weasel ways are easy to see. Your in denial about all the illegals your crew of ***** let in and are preparing to do it again like good little dead from the neck up tools . Only people with mental issue would do that.
Thats right lug nut when you cannot deny the truth and are not man enough to admit you were wrong , you attack the poster the sources or call it right wing blather or use the ever popular what about trump line .
Yes your weasel ways are easy to see. Your in denial about all the illegals your crew of ***** let in and are preparing to do it again like good little dead from the neck up tools . Only people with mental issue would do that.
Do legal aliens commit crimes, yes or no?
Do legal aliens commit crimes, yes or no?

Stop trying to weasel your way out of it and deny the truth lug nut . they have sent so many here it actually lowered the crime rate in their nation a great deal gang gang and more criminal gangs
PamiUSA is sillier by far than PJ or Annoying.
And you are a overeducated left wing dummy .