democrats here claim that there is no problem with illegals committing crimes


See when you are loose with facts, you lose credibility. I am sorry if that makes you so upset as to resort to childish name calling.
LOL funny Its the only way to talk to you asshole why deny every post being true and refusing to admit the truth only assholes and political ass kissers do that >I had some respect for you until you started claim in what I posted ws not true and I posted several links to prove it.
You do not want to her the truth and are in some type of denial.
You refuse to believe the truth its that simple . And how do you deal with such morons you cant no number of facts will change them for their \natural stupidly can not be overcome, Hey are ignorant an poorly informed , there is no reasoning with your type
LOL funny Its the only way to talk to you asshole why deny every post being true and refusing to admit the truth only assholes and political ass kissers do that >I had some respect for you until you started claim in what I posted ws not true and I posted several links to prove it.
You do not want to her the truth and are in some type of denial.
You refuse to believe the truth its that simple . And how do you deal with such morons you cant no number of facts will change them for their \natural stupidly can not be overcome, Hey are ignorant an poorly informed , there is no reasoning with your type
I provided excerpts from your own link that put some doubt on what it is implied that this factoid means. You did not acknowledge it much less respond to it. I think you are too angry and too hurt to engage in rational debate. I hope we can repair the situation and re-engage again real soon.
I provided excerpts from your own link that put some doubt on what it is implied that this factoid means. You did not acknowledge it much less respond to it. I think you are too angry and too hurt to engage in rational debate. I hope we can repair the situation and re-engage again real soon.
No debate about it Liberals do not believe the truth .what's to debate .
Biden let a total of 28,000 convicted or wanted murders and rapist in the nation and told them to shhhh about in .another 456,000 if I recall it might be off one way or the other a bit that has additional criminal records .
That's straight from the border patrol.
So what's to debate you do not accept it and are trying to weasel your way out of it. Nothing to debate untill you became a real man and accept the truth you won't we all know that already.
No debate about it Liberals do not believe the truth .what's to debate .
Biden let a total of 28,000 convicted or wanted murders and rapist in the nation and told them to shhhh about in .another 456,000 if I recall it might be off one way or the other a bit that has additional criminal records .
That's straight from the border patrol.
So what's to debate you do not accept it and are trying to weasel your way out of it. Nothing to debate untill you became a real man and accept the truth you won't we all know that already.
I provided an excerpt of your own document and bonded two parts. Those parts seem to undermine your narrative. You do not even acknowledge my input much less respond to it. Until and unless you are willing to do so, we have nothing to discuss or debate.

I am sorry if you are annoyed by my inspecting your own document and finding holes in your narrative.
I provided an excerpt of your own document and bonded two parts. Those parts seem to undermine your narrative. You do not even acknowledge my input much less respond to it. Until and unless you are willing to do so, we have nothing to discuss or debate.

I am sorry if you are annoyed by my inspecting your own document and finding holes in your narrative.
Why should I you refuse to admit it was the wong for Joe that do this and you refuse to accept Joe's own border patrol figures.
What to debate untill you grow a set and admit the truth.
Or until you grow. Period. Lol
Nope Im a realist I do not live in your fairy tale world .
Yep I'm all grown up 66 years old soon and have seen much in life and I know you who can't handle the truth .

You refuse to admit this is true even with it coming from the border patrol

I have posted links from the border patrol you know them a government agency under Biden that also told us 28000 wanted or convicted murders and rapist came in the nation.

Your so out of touch and such a political ass kisser you deny the truth from our own government. Until you grow up and act like a man and stop being a weasel in denial there is nothing to debate.
Now again what kind of a man would do this to his own nation well Biden and Harris are the winners of that question, and you do not like it because it's the truth. You know it every American whose been a victim of murder or rape or any crime by illegals against them have JOe Biden and giggles and people like you who supported them and still do while they screwed America. So yep you helped do this to America. like I said i had some respect for you, but you lost it all defending joe and Harris for this . A real man and a real America would stand up and say yes, they did the nation wrong and hurt us the people, but you will never have the guts to be man enough to admit the truth.
And they would demand these people be deported we have no need for criminals from other nations especially killers rapist cartel members gang banger and so on.
Nope not you your pathic like lug nut and like him you get no respect from me. You have earned it . Grow up your self and become a real man and a real American until then you can stfu
In a recent speech Trump claimed that the fly that he noticed while at the podium would not have been there two years ago, implying that Haitian legal immigrants brought the flies here. Is there still any doubt that the gop is against all immigrants who do not look like Trump?