Trump mocked by leftists for years for predicting the waves of violence that would be unleashed on the US by leftists

How was the evidence of voting machine fraud refuted? It wasn't, likely BEAUSE DEMOCRATS REFUSED TO ALLOW TRUSTWORTHY EXAMINATIONS AFTER THE LECTION TO ASSURE AMERICANS THAT THE CORRUPTIBLE MACHINES HAD NOT BEEN CORRUPTED AS THE EVIDENCE SUGGESTED. (Sorry about the caps. my keyboard got stuck before I caught it and I don't want to take the time to go back and retype.)
Prove it. Courts could order examinations and democrats can't stop them and in fact there were examinations but you keep lying over and over you are such an anti-American liar
Prove it. Courts could order examinations and democrats can't stop them and in fact there were examinations but you keep lying over and over you are such an anti-American liar
Except in rare cases courts did not order examinations of voting machines over democrat objections, eliminating any opportunity to offer evidence that the machines had not been corrupted in 2020.
Except in rare cases courts did not order examinations of voting machines over democrat objections, eliminating any opportunity to offer evidence that the machines had not been corrupted in 2020.

so you admit you didn't have credible evidence to convince courts to order machines to be examined. sounds about right for you legal moooorons.
so you admit you didn't have credible evidence to convince courts to order machines to be examined. sounds about right for you legal moooorons.
It's too late to examine voting machines from 2020. If crooks corrupted the machines to steal the election they have long since erased the evidence of their corruption while democrats were fighting like hell to convince Americans that no fraud investigations were necessary. The only reason voting fraud crooks would fight like hell to prevent fraud investigations is to keep their crimes from being uncovered.
It's too late to examine voting machines from 2020. If crooks corrupted the machines to steal the election they have long since erased the evidence of their corruption while democrats were fighting like hell to convince Americans that no fraud investigations were necessary. The only reason voting fraud crooks would fight like hell to prevent fraud investigations is to keep their crimes from being uncovered.
it wasn't too late then but you didn't have credible evidence then.
and you dont now.

but feel free to disprove the mountain of evidence that trump stole the election in 2016
or that you are a serial killer. lol
it wasn't too late then but you didn't have credible evidence then.
and you dont now.

but feel free to disprove the mountain of evidence that trump stole the election in 2016
or that you are a serial killer. lol
Believing credible evidence of fraud is not unreasonable.
How was the evidence of voting machine fraud refuted? It wasn't, likely BEAUSE DEMOCRATS REFUSED TO ALLOW TRUSTWORTHY EXAMINATIONS AFTER THE LECTION TO ASSURE AMERICANS THAT THE CORRUPTIBLE MACHINES HAD NOT BEEN CORRUPTED AS THE EVIDENCE SUGGESTED. (Sorry about the caps. my keyboard got stuck before I caught it and I don't want to take the time to go back and retype.)
Same old shit. Been there before. Go away.
Believing credible evidence of fraud is not unreasonable.
sure, you mooorons just need to show its credible. by things like winning court cases. lol.
which you mooorons can't do...because you dont have credible evidence. duh.
but you do have lies and whining, i give you "credit" for that

1xubv9[1].webp Trump mocked by leftists for years for predicting the waves of violence that would be unleashed on the US by leftists


Yeah...he's got quite the track-record for predictions.....
8/21/2020 - "U.S. President Donald Trump called into a television program Thursday night (Aug 20) to warn of election fraud and assail Joe Biden just before his challenger was to accept the Democratic nomination.

"This is going to be the most fraudulent election in history," Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity, saying mail-in voting will lead to widespread cheating, even though there's been no evidence of that in prior elections."

Except in rare cases courts did not order examinations of voting machines over democrat objections, eliminating any opportunity to offer evidence that the machines had not been corrupted in 2020.
There were cases which involved the courts stopping violent republicans breaking into offices demanding access, if that's what you're blaming democrats for.

As for the rest, it's the same old trail of regurgitated shyt you've been belching for years.
There were cases which involved the courts stopping violent republicans breaking into offices demanding access, if that's what you're blaming democrats for.

As for the rest, it's the same old trail of regurgitated shyt you've been belching for years.
Of course democrats fought like hell to prevent every effort to examine voting methods and operations for possible fraud. Democrats prove they fear being discovered for committing fraud.
Of course democrats fought like hell to prevent every effort to examine voting methods and operations for possible fraud. Democrats prove they fear being discovered for committing fraud.

prove it. lol.
all you do is enjoy looking stupid here.