Will democrats force a government shutdown if necessary to prevent passing election security?

All Americans should work out details before the day of election and make sure they comply with election security laws when registering to vote or they should not be allowed to register or vote no matter what their excuse.
Mark, if a person goes to register to vote, is that when you are stating citizenship should be shown. Meaning never registered ever before? Not a change of address etc? If I woman were to marry, the proof of her marriage certificate is show just as in Social Security when changing their last name. ID and the certificate of marriage. I feel a new registration should show citizenship in the cases and reasonings we have in today’s dealings. To vote is to show ID! If they have to show it to get into a place or venue as in a convention and protect them why not protect America’s voting system! It’s ass backwards or hypocrisy if not! My opinion!
Mark, if a person goes to register to vote, is that when you are stating citizenship should be shown. Meaning never registered ever before? Not a change of address etc? If I woman were to marry, the proof of her marriage certificate is show just as in Social Security when changing their last name. ID and the certificate of marriage. I feel a new registration should show citizenship in the cases and reasonings we have in today’s dealings. To vote is to show ID! If they have to show it to get into a place or venue as in a convention and protect them why not protect America’s voting system! It’s ass backwards or hypocrisy if not! My opinion!
Voter IDs that can be tied to proof of citizenship can also be used to catch legitimate voters who vote from multiple states or precincts and can be used to insure votes cannot be manufactured to stuff the vote counts for crooked politicians.
Again you fail to answer a simple question. What documents do you have that conclusively prove you are a citizen?

The US government and the governments of the separate states do not issue a free document that is considered proof of citizenship.

So even though only citizens are allowed to vote, there is no document that any voter could obtain at no cost to prove his/her citizenship.

So people who have only drivers licenses or state IDs would be allowed to vote only on provisional ballots, because these do not state citizenship.

And of course, not ALL people born in the US are given citizenship automatically: the children of diplomats are excluded. So you not only have to prove you were born here in the US but that your parents were not members of some foreign diplomatic corps.

The goal of this law is to make as many ballots subject to legal scrutiny as possible, and to do all that is possible to throw the election of the president into Congress. f you cannot see this, then you are an idiot.
I have a birth certificate. I have an ID card certifying I am a US citizen. I have 20 years of military-connected background check proving that I have been verified to be a US citizen.