Americans are not pleased with the unjust persecution of Trump for political purposes

Eating cats or dogs is not a real problem, but jacking cars, thefts, assaults, contaminating grocery stores with abandoned open half-eaten food packages, vagrancy, homelessness, and more are serious problems the poor Ohio residents are forced by heavy handed democrats to have to deal with because of hard-headed democrat refusal to close US borders to illegal immigration.
The poor bastards. Why didn't you say such hardships existed?
Perhaps we should be sending stray dogs to ease the stress.
These idiots talk a good game about democracy but:

They want foreigners entering our country to influence elections. They would have them voting if they could get away with it. In fact idiots like Boris would love to have foreigners voting in USA elections from their own country. Democracy!

They have tried to make Trump stop campaigning for fear of his life. 2 attempts to kill him so far and a secret service and FBI that hates him.

They have used partisan prosecutors to take away his time and money from campaigning and tried to keep him off ballots.

Again these people claim they believe in democracy!
Trump belongs in prison. He is a criminal and should not be allowed to run for anything.
And you sir are a criminal! You allow people into our country to kill and rape girls. Tied together while they watch each other raping them! You allowed it! You voted for it and you let these people in! Yes some people sneak in during any presidency but these people were let in by YOU!
Leftist news sources do not generally focus on real problems if those problems are caused by democrats and their destructive policies.
The scent of flaming trousers is heavy in the atmosphere every time the silly Pseudochristian Fascist Fundie posts.

Of course they do. Inequality, Racism, War and Peace, Corruption, and lately the threat of Trumpish plans to eliminate democracy in our country.
The scent of flaming trousers is heavy in the atmosphere every time the silly Pseudochristian Fascist Fundie posts.

Of course they do. Inequality, Racism, War and Peace, Corruption, and lately the threat of Trumpish plans to eliminate democracy in our country.

How will Trump destroy democracy? Tell us Gabe! Dems kept the vote away from the people! No they did not vote for Harris! They voted for Biden! They took their votes away! What in the hell do you call that?
How will Trump destroy democracy? Tell us Gabe! Dems kept the vote away from the people! No they did not vote for Harris! They voted for Biden! They took their votes away! What in the hell do you call that?
Read the Heritage Society's Plan, you moronic hicktown yokel.
Maybe her tax laws were not racist. What taxes did she and Biden raise on the rich? Have we evidence of any tax increase at all, and if so, how much was the increase and who was most affected by the increase, poor people or not so poor people?
So now you admit you lied after you were caught
You are a disgusting anti American liar
You have only been revealing your utter stupidity here, and Mark has way more to reveal, so why do you persist in lying and saying stupid crap?
You have only been revealing your utter stupidity here, and Mark has way more to reveal, so why do you persist in lying and saying stupid crap?
I’m not stating stupid crap! It’s because you do not listen to Trump! You watch CNN… MSNBC.. David Muir! You choose to accept what people tell you as in the news, etc. I watch both candidates rallies! Trump has stated he has nothing to do with project 2025. Those people at one time did work for Trump! They do not rule Trump nor republicans! You have never read it I’m sure!
Yes Mark is an intelligent person which whom you and Boris degrade instead of trying to have decent conversation with Mark. You all make fun but he stands by his beliefs in a proper way!
I admit you are more intelligently responsive than Boris and pj. I no longer respond to them. I say what I believe and care about just as all do. Does not mean you all have to agree! But no reason to degrade and yes I admit, I have done so in response but not that you care, I usually am not that way! Goes to show you how people can entice hate!