Americans are not pleased with the unjust persecution of Trump for political purposes

I’m not stating stupid crap! It’s because you do not listen to Trump! You watch CNN… MSNBC.. David Muir! You choose to accept what people tell you as in the news, etc. I watch both candidates rallies! Trump has stated he has nothing to do with project 2025. Those people at one time did work for Trump! They do not rule Trump nor republicans! You have never read it I’m sure!
Yes Mark is an intelligent person which whom you and Boris degrade instead of trying to have decent conversation with Mark. You all make fun but he stands by his beliefs in a proper way!
I admit you are more intelligently responsive than Boris and pj. I no longer respond to them. I say what I believe and care about just as all do. Does not mean you all have to agree! But no reason to degrade and yes I admit, I have done so in response but not that you care, I usually am not that way! Goes to show you how people can entice hate!
Mark quote nonsense and claims that God endorses it.
Of course I listen to Trump. Nearly everything he says is a lie or reveals how utterly ignorant and hateful he is.
Vance wrote the prologue to Project 2025. Trump has already said that he wants to change the political system so people won;t have to vote any more.

YOU are the one who does not understand what a psychotic narcissist Trump is.
He does not give one shit about you, yokel, He cares only about himself and staying out of prison for his lifetime of crime/
Mark quote nonsense and claims that God endorses it.
Of course I listen to Trump. Nearly everything he says is a lie or reveals how utterly ignorant and hateful he is.
Vance wrote the prologue to Project 2025. Trump has already said that he wants to change the political system so people won;t have to vote any more.

YOU are the one who does not understand what a psychotic narcissist Trump is.
He does not give one shit about you, yokel, He cares only about himself and staying out of prison for his lifetime of crime/
You barbarians should really stop inciting leftist bozos to commit murder with your hateful violent forked tongues.
It does not look like Kamala is going to stop the disastrous continuing flood of illegal immigration into the stressfully overburdened US no matter what God may recommend.
How do you know god is concerned?
Why doesn't your god doing so etching about the 9 million kids a year that due from curable diseases?

Yet you think god gives a fuck about immigrants?
You're off your rocker.
Anyone who attempts a political assassination clearly is mentally ill and has a death wish. That is far more a important factor than information about whom they voted for.

No one who has attempted a political assassination in this country has ever managed to avoid prison or death. That is a FACT.