Americans are not pleased with the unjust persecution of Trump for political purposes

Kackles has a vision for America that includes taxing working whites and businesses to increase government giveaways to poor blacks and illegals. That is not American patriotism, that is socialist and Marxist depravity.
You sound like a racist
And a mooron
Feel free to post her proposed race based tax laws
Biden certainly did not make Americans safer, more prosperous, less hateful and violent, or more patriotic.
He sure as hell made ME more prosperous.
I am every bit as patriotic as I always was.
And I feel as safe or safer. I am the only person on my block that was born in the USA.
Haitians eat dogs and cats. Intelligent Americans with knowledge of Haitian customs and practices know that fact.
No, there is a saying in Creole about eating cats similar to the American saying "I am so hungry I could eat a horse".
You don't know diddly about Haiti or Haitians, Mark.
There is no reason why anyone should vote for Shitshizpants and Shady Vance to prevent Haitians from eating Fido or Fluffy.
You sound like a racist
And a mooron
Feel free to post her proposed race based tax laws
Maybe her tax laws were not racist. What taxes did she and Biden raise on the rich? Have we evidence of any tax increase at all, and if so, how much was the increase and who was most affected by the increase, poor people or not so poor people?
He sure as hell made ME more prosperous.
I am every bit as patriotic as I always was.
And I feel as safe or safer. I am the only person on my block that was born in the USA.
I'm not saying there have not been many Americans made much richer by democrat policies and corruption, including many democrat politicians and supporters.
No, there is a saying in Creole about eating cats similar to the American saying "I am so hungry I could eat a horse".
You don't know diddly about Haiti or Haitians, Mark.
There is no reason why anyone should vote for Shitshizpants and Shady Vance to prevent Haitians from eating Fido or Fluffy.
Eating cats or dogs is not a real problem, but jacking cars, thefts, assaults, contaminating grocery stores with abandoned open half-eaten food packages, vagrancy, homelessness, and more are serious problems the poor Ohio residents are forced by heavy handed democrats to have to deal with because of hard-headed democrat refusal to close US borders to illegal immigration.
One simple claim by Trump and suddenly you're a culinary expert on Haitians.
You make me sick.
To hell with eating dogs or cats, what are we going to do about the skyrocketing crime rates associated with the massive influx of homeless and jobless illegal immigrants dumped onto the town by heartless stupid open borders democrats?
Lol yes you would .let's be honest for just a bit much of what he's been charged with was political as was the huge bail.
Leftist prosecutors, juries, and judges have jailed more than a thousand innocent Americans on bogus charges with outrageous fines and jail terms while refusing to arrest their own hired plants who did much violence and incited violence on Jan 6.