Americans are not pleased with the unjust persecution of Trump for political purposes

Zephaniah 3:3
Her princes within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not the bones till the morrow.
How is this not gibberish?
Who has princes within them?
Obviously, whoever wrote this has never observed wolves eating.
Wolves eat until they can eat no more. They don't save any parts for the last.
Of course, they eat the meat off the bones before they gnaw the bones, but saving food for tomorrow is not what wolves do.
Sono proof lying moooron
Exactly. Of most of the facts and evidence I post I rarely receive any slander that is backed by evidence or facts that would constitute an actual proof or reasonable argiment that I am wrong. Democrats handled the 2020 election the same way. There were multiple credible eyewitness reports of voting fraud the democrats dismissed without delving into details and without disproving the reports with investigative evidence.
Exactly. Of most of the facts and evidence I post I rarely receive any slander that is backed by evidence or facts that would constitute an actual proof or reasonable argiment that I am wrong. Democrats handled the 2020 election the same way. There were multiple credible eyewitness reports of voting fraud the democrats dismissed without delving into details and without disproving the reports with investigative evidence.
You pist unproven bs and cowardly run away
I guess some of you will be happy if they get to Trump one day!

But I know one thing, we will still have a vote! If something does happen! We will still have our choice!
Because if someone offs Trump, he can be taxidermied with some sort of robot implanted in his corpse so you can still elect him?
Well, no. Without Trump, there will be no more Trumpism, face it. If Trump is gone, so is MAGA.
Because if someone offs Trump, he can be taxidermied with some sort of robot implanted in his corpse so you can still elect him?
Well, no. Without Trump, there will be no more Trumpism, face it. If Trump is gone, so is MAGA.
You are an ass! MAGA is Make America Great Again! You don’t want that? Harris will probably get in! We will see how your pocket does and your benefits! I’ll be watching! Good bye! Make fun if you choose! You are clueless just like Harris! They are not for Americans! Well maybe some that you will pay for!
You are an ass! MAGA is Make America Great Again! You don’t want that? Harris will probably get in! We will see how your pocket does and your benefits! I’ll be watching! Good bye! Make fun if you choose! You are clueless just like Harris! They are not for Americans! Well maybe some that you will pay for!
You th8nk trumps vision is great? Duh
You th8nk trumps vision is great? Duh
Migrants come the right way? Drill more which in Louisiana they are not drilling to potential! Texas! Tariffs and NATO pay their share! No new wars! Prices were lower? Rates were down in the twos! My house rate is that! Housing market was fair! We saw Trump! Press conferences! Confronted foreign leaders if they touched Americans! Etc etc! Yes I would say so I like Trump’s views for Americans! America!