Will democrats force a government shutdown if necessary to prevent passing election security?

How many people have a passport of a birth certificate where they can find it on short notice?
I can imagine numerous people presenting a US passport stating their place of birth, but then being told they could not vote because their passport was EXPIRED. Which is, of course, absurd. But that is the sort of legalistic mumbo jumbo that MAGA fools might insist upon.
How many people have a passport of a birth certificate where they can find it on short notice?
I can imagine numerous people presenting a US passport stating their place of birth, but then being told they could not vote because their passport was EXPIRED. Which is, of course, absurd. But that is the sort of legalistic mumbo jumbo that MAGA fools might insist upon.
Just because a handful of democrat voters wait until the last minute to legitimately register to vote using a typical ID card used everywhere is no reason to destroy voting securities in elections designed to keep crooks from committing voter fraud.
Just because a handful of democrat voters wait until the last minute to legitimately register to vote using a typical ID card used everywhere is no reason to destroy voting securities in elections designed to keep crooks from committing voter fraud.
A typical ID card is a driver's license. Drivers licenses are NOT proof of citizenship. they do not mention citizenship.
What proves citizenship? A passport, or perhaps a birth certificate. It is not required for any citizen to have a passport, and many people do not have a birth certificate with them. Both a passport and a birth certificate cost money, and so this is akin to a poll tax, which has been judged unconstitutional.
A typical ID card is a driver's license. Drivers licenses are NOT proof of citizenship. they do not mention citizenship.
What proves citizenship? A passport, or perhaps a birth certificate. It is not required for any citizen to have a passport, and many people do not have a birth certificate with them. Both a passport and a birth certificate cost money, and so this is akin to a poll tax, which has been judged unconstitutional.
Since drivers licenses are universally required without objections then voter IDs should also be required for election security.
Since drivers licenses are universally required without objections then voter IDs should also be required for election security.
Faulty logic from a right wing moooron
Driv8ng is a privilege
Voting is a right
It's ok to put more conditions on a privilege
Since drivers licenses are universally required without objections then voter IDs should also be required for election security.
Not everyone drives in the US. Florida clams that driving is a privilege and if you are stopped by a cop and your insurance is not up to date, they revoke your license. But the FL driver's license has NO information on it regarding the citizenship of the holder. So a FL drivers license is NOT proof of citizenship.

What is? A passport, but a passport costs money, over $100 every 10 years. The idea behind this is that some cops will tell citizens that they have no proof of citizenship and they will be arrested if they try to vote.

Sure, this will eventually be thrown out of court, but by the time it is thrown out, the citizen will have been denied the ability to vote.

It is a BAD law and should never be passed.
Of course, the solution to this is quite simple. In Argentina, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and all the EU nations, the government issues a national ID at birth and every citizen has one at no cost.

These are called carnet or cédulas and for many years the right wingers have been against any such government ID.
During the Carter Administration, they proposed using Social Security cards as national IDs, and Congress passed a law against it.
Of course, many companies ignore this and insist that I tell them my SSN to open an or access an existing account.
We have security measures
You are stupid for obvious reasons
We do not have secutiry measures that immediately reject any or every attempt by illegal voters to cast ballots. We do not have security measures in place for monitoring voting machines from beginning to end of elections and the immediate forensic investigations of the machines afterward to ensure the machines had not been corrupted.
Not everyone drives in the US. Florida clams that driving is a privilege and if you are stopped by a cop and your insurance is not up to date, they revoke your license. But the FL driver's license has NO information on it regarding the citizenship of the holder. So a FL drivers license is NOT proof of citizenship.

What is? A passport, but a passport costs money, over $100 every 10 years. The idea behind this is that some cops will tell citizens that they have no proof of citizenship and they will be arrested if they try to vote.

Sure, this will eventually be thrown out of court, but by the time it is thrown out, the citizen will have been denied the ability to vote.

It is a BAD law and should never be passed.
Are you opposed to voter IDs because you think voter IDs will not do much to stop crooks from committing voter fraud? President Jimmy Carter said voter IDs are essential in fighting voter fraud.