Will democrats force a government shutdown if necessary to prevent passing election security?

Of course, the solution to this is quite simple. In Argentina, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and all the EU nations, the government issues a national ID at birth and every citizen has one at no cost.

These are called carnet or cédulas and for many years the right wingers have been against any such government ID.
During the Carter Administration, they proposed using Social Security cards as national IDs, and Congress passed a law against it.
Of course, many companies ignore this and insist that I tell them my SSN to open an or access an existing account.
I am not opposed to using some form of social security to identify voters who vote in a system where computers will kick out ballots that violate that voting ID system.
Are you opposed to voter IDs because you think voter IDs will not do much to stop crooks from committing voter fraud? President Jimmy Carter said voter IDs are essential in fighting voter fraud.
This is NOT about voter IDs, this is about PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP, and a drivers license is NOT proof of citizenship. There is not one word on my drivers license about my citizenship.

As I said, the only proof of citizenship that people normally have is a passport or a birth certificate. Not even half the population has a passport, and passports are expensive. Birth certificates are often issued by churches or hospitals. Note all the kerfuffle about Obama's birth certificate. The goal is to PREVENT people from voting, it is not at all about preventing fraud.

What proof of citizenship do you have?
This is NOT about voter IDs, this is about PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP, and a drivers license is NOT proof of citizenship. There is not one word on my drivers license about my citizenship.

As I said, the only proof of citizenship that people normally have is a passport or a birth certificate. Not even half the population has a passport, and passports are expensive. Birth certificates are often issued by churches or hospitals. Note all the kerfuffle about Obama's birth certificate. The goal is to PREVENT people from voting, it is not at all about preventing fraud.

What proof of citizenship do you have?
I think the only way we can ensure illegals do not vote or crooks do not vote more than once or fraudists do not create fake votes and ballots is for each vote to be tied to a specific voter's assigned number so that no vote can be accepted without a valid number and no valid number can vote more than once.
I am not opposed to using some form of social security to identify voters who vote in a system where computers will kick out ballots that violate that voting ID system.
Who cares what you are not opposed to. The 2020 election was fair and free and all who say otherwise are lying.
I think the only way we can ensure illegals do not vote or crooks do not vote more than once or fraudists do not create fake votes and ballots is for each vote to be tied to a specific voter's assigned number so that no vote can be accepted without a valid number and no valid number can vote more than once.
Again, what proof of citizenship do you have?
Who cares what you are not opposed to. The 2020 election was fair and free and all who say otherwise are lying.
Liars who committed massive voter fraud convinced millions of rubes that no fraud took place because 'everyone supposedly just know that instinctively. Never mind the democrat propagandists blocked investigations they should or would never have blocked if they really believed no fraud was there to be found.