Why current reliance on the accuracy of election results in the US is impossible

If no court ruled on the admissability of ballots dumped into big democrat election wards without their required chain of custody records does that mean to you that no ballots were dumped into election wards without the proper verifications of legitimacy?
So no court ruled they were suspect
It's just whin8ng lol
Not a single court or judge submitted a relaible ruling or declaration that no massive voting fraud occurred in the 2020 election.,
Again, that is not the courts job. If the evidence they presented were conclusive the court would no doubt take the case.
The brief clearly showed it was a revenge defence which means fuck all in a court.
But it doesn't because you never proved any and courts dont disprove anything. You lose again.
Not a single US court ruled that no significant amount of fraud occurred in 2020.
It was Trump who said "fight like hell" on j6. Stop switching the blame. You're a liar.
Democratrs used the term 'fight like hell' when referring to their fight against conservitives and Christians in the US long before Trump used the term.
The Democrat party did not stop one investigation. Before you show your link, ensure it was the democrat party itself.
Democrats 'fought like hell' against efforts by republicans to examine 2020 voting machines before democrats could erase information on them that they were erasing when a Georgia judge ordered them to stop erasing data from the unexamined machines.
I am sure you are too stupid to understand simple posts lol
You mooorons lost every court case lololololol
Courts did reject voting fraud cases by the dozens for various reasons but you continually deny the fact that not a single court in the US ruled that significant voting fraud did not occur in 2020.
Courts did reject voting fraud cases by the dozens for various reasons but you continually deny the fact that not a single court in the US ruled that significant voting fraud did not occur in 2020.
I never denied that because it's not what courts do duh
God you make regular mooorons look smart lol
And no court in the nation proved it did and neither did you or the GOP.
The evidence does not have to be proven to charge democrats with criminal unjust imprisonment of patriotic Americans for questioning the accuracy of the 2020 elkection. Democrats must first prove the evidence of fraud is invalid before they can legally jail their opponents for seeking proof that the voting fraud evidence is invalid.
The evidence does not have to be proven to charge democrats with criminal unjust imprisonment of patriotic Americans for questioning the accuracy of the 2020 elkection. Democrats must prove the evidence of fraud is invalid before they can legally jail their opponents for seeking proof that the voting fraud evidence is invalid.
Who was imprisoned merely for questioning, lying mooron lol
Name names but you won't as always
It does not matter what judges may or may not have thought about the evidence. No judge ruled the widespread evidence of election fraud was invalid.
It doesn't matter what judges think about evidence? Uh,nthats actually their job lol
Omg you are so stupid lol
Lacking investigative proof resulting from strong democrat oppositions to voting fraud investigations does not mean no voting fraud occurred.
If you have no proof after 4 years especially in red states it shows you are stupid anti-American liars lol