Why current reliance on the accuracy of election results in the US is impossible

There are no adequate universal election security measures that can assure Americans the election results can be trusted.
but I bet you think Trump won 2000 fair and square.

Nothing you say can have any value for discussion. you will say whatever is convenient. You lie all the time and never respond to or offer any arguments.
In 2024, we will have elections and there will be a winner.
Trump will complain that he got more votes than he really did, of course, whether he wins or loses.
Before Trump, we had fair elections, we have always had fair elections. The problem is Trump, and ignorant trumplings that believe the lies he spews.
but I bet you think Trump won 2000 fair and square.

Nothing you say can have any value for discussion. you will say whatever is convenient. You lie all the time and never respond to or offer any arguments.
I don't know what the fair vote total was because of the hundreds of thousands of unverified ballots we know were unverified and the accuracy or lack of accuracy of corruptible voting machine totals from machines that were never examined in spite of millions of Americans demanding the democrats release the machines for examination..
In 2024, we will have elections and there will be a winner.
Trump will complain that he got more votes than he really did, of course, whether he wins or loses.
Before Trump, we had fair elections, we have always had fair elections. The problem is Trump, and ignorant trumplings that believe the lies he spews.
The 2024 election results will be just as questionable as the 2020 election results as long as current windows for undectable or hard to prove voting fraud remain open.
It does not change the fact that hundreds of thousands of 2020 ballots were never verified as legitimate.

how many weren't? prove your claim.
how many weren't "verified as legitimate" in 2016?

all you do is post the same old stupidity, and all I do is laugh at you.
it works for me :)
The 2024 election results will be just as questionable as the 2020 election results as long as current windows for undectable or hard to prove voting fraud remain open.
well, hateful anti-american moorons like you will no doubt question it, because you are too stupid to understand how election processes work
Democrat voting fraud did not begin in 2020. On the contrary, the democrat party has an extremely long history of corrupt election ward voting fraud.

Fraud! Fraud!; Gone are the days (aren't they?) when dead men and dogs could ‘vote’ and The Boss held sway. - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Fraud! Fraud!; Gone are the days (aren't they?) when dead men and dogs could ‘vote’ and The Boss held sway. ...

No better example of fabled American ingenuity can be found than the techniques used in cheating at the polls. The first trick in any wholesale election fraud was for ward heelers and corrupt election officials to pad the registration lists with phony names and addresses. (i.e., bloated voting registries.) They did so with an imagination that was breath‐taking. Names of persons in jail, in the hospitals, in the cemeteries or simply nonexistent were added with cavalier abandon. ...

The next step in rigging elections was to recruit men, known as “repeaters,” to vote the fraudulent names. Particularly resourceful were the tiny, flinty‐eyed saloonkeeper, Hinky Dink Kenna, and Bathhouse John Coughlin, lords of Chicago's wicked First Ward, the best of all possible wards—for vice and corruption. They brought in voters from the Hospital for the Insane at Dunning. It was said that Hinky Dink, a Democrat, found the Dunning inmates more astute politically than the most erudite of Republicans.
And still not a sound from.you about Trump's grossly illegal attempt to install fake electors in Georgia.
Did you know repigs have already installed people in swing states that will refuse to certify those states if Trump doesn't win. About 70 I think. Check it out.
I don't know what the fair vote total was because of the hundreds of thousands of unverified ballots we know were unverified and the accuracy or lack of accuracy of corruptible voting machine totals from machines that were never examined in spite of millions of Americans demanding the democrats release the machines for examination..
Did Trump win in 2016 fair and square?
Did Trump win in 2016 fair and square?
He got nearly two million votes FEWER than Hillary. But the US is NOT a true democracy, and he "won" only because of the Electoral College, which is based on the assumed preferences of states rather than citizens.

He was a wretched president, the very worst in my lifetime. We do not need a rerun of his incompetence, his ignorance and his many mental deficiencies.
I think ballots are verified when received and do not require any recounts or secondary examination unless there is evidence of foul play.

Trump's January 6th plot was clearly foul play, and was not executed in the interests of fairness or freedom.
He got nearly two million votes FEWER than Hillary. But the US is NOT a true democracy, and he "won" only because of the Electoral College, which is based on the assumed preferences of states rather than citizens.

He was a wretched president, the very worst in my lifetime. We do not need a rerun of his incompetence, his ignorance and his many mental deficiencies.
Trump has yet to win a popular ballot. None. Lost them all.
And still not a sound from.you about Trump's grossly illegal attempt to install fake electors in Georgia.
Did you know repigs have already installed people in swing states that will refuse to certify those states if Trump doesn't win. About 70 I think. Check it out.
Nobody should ever certify any election in which evidence of political party fraud exists, accompanied by the suspect party 'fighting like hell' to dismiss the evidence of fraud while forcefully resisting investigations into fraud.
Did Trump win in 2016 fair and square?
I believe the evidence shows massive democrat fraud in 2016 as well, although not enough fraudulent democrat votes were cast, primarily in big democrat election wards, to overcome Trump's massive popularity among American voters. Look into the efforts by democrat election workers and supervisors like Brenda Snipes for more info on 2016 democrat voting fraud.