Why current reliance on the accuracy of election results in the US is impossible

Everyone knows what a woman is, imbecile. I suppose that Mark thinks that they should just hand the government over to Don Shitzhispants and Shady Vance with no election at all, since no fair election is possible.

Yeah, right!
Not everyone is free to define what a woman is. Slaves to modern leftist woke silliness cannot define simple terms like that because of their addiction to leftist delusions and nonsense.
Not everyone is free to define what a woman is. Slaves to modern leftist woke silliness cannot define simple terms like that because of their addiction to leftist delusions and nonsense.

mooorons dont understand the difference between sex and gender. they are too stupid to read a dictionary. lol
The stupidity of Mark is the stuff of legend.

Apparently, Mark thinks that if Trump is president, somehow sin will cease to exist.
Exactly. Stop trying to drag courts into democrat false claims that no significant fraud occurred in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.
You are the one who said they never investigated it but provided no evidence.
You're the one who wants to waste the courts time by listen to nothing.
Get over it. You post.
The evidence does not have to be proven to charge democrats with criminal unjust imprisonment of patriotic Americans for questioning the accuracy of the 2020 elkection. Democrats must first prove the evidence of fraud is invalid before they can legally jail their opponents for seeking proof that the voting fraud evidence is invalid.
Again. We don't have to prove anything.
You're having trouble understand the basic fundamentals of the court system. You know nothing but hate and bitterness.
Again. We don't have to prove anything.
You're having trouble understand the basic fundamentals of the court system. You know nothing but hate and bitterness.
Exacxtly. Democrats insist they do not have to prove voting fraud evidence is false before jailing innocent Americans on the false assumption that the election was not fatally tainted by fraud.
Exacxtly. Democrats insist they do not have to prove voting fraud evidence is false before jailing innocent Americans on the false assumption that the election was not fatally tainted by fraud.
Right wing bs lol
God you are stupid lol
Not a single US court ruled that no significant amount of fraud occurred in 2020.

Democratrs used the term 'fight like hell' when referring to their fight against conservitives and Christians in the US long before Trump used the term.

Democrats 'fought like hell' against efforts by republicans to examine 2020 voting machines before democrats could erase information on them that they were erasing when a Georgia judge ordered them to stop erasing data from the unexamined machines.
Same old shit.
Exacxtly. Democrats insist they do not have to prove voting fraud evidence is false before jailing innocent Americans on the false assumption that the election was not fatally tainted by fraud.