Why current reliance on the accuracy of election results in the US is impossible

He got nearly two million votes FEWER than Hillary. But the US is NOT a true democracy, and he "won" only because of the Electoral College, which is based on the assumed preferences of states rather than citizens.

He was a wretched president, the very worst in my lifetime. We do not need a rerun of his incompetence, his ignorance and his many mental deficiencies.
Trump was totally trounced in big corrupt blue Democrat election wards, but the massive number of fraudulent votes were still insufficient to overcome Trump's massive popularity across America outside the corrupt democrat political wards.
I think ballots are verified when received and do not require any recounts or secondary examination unless there is evidence of foul play.

Trump's January 6th plot was clearly foul play, and was not executed in the interests of fairness or freedom.
Ballots without accurately verified signatures or addresses were counted in the tainted 2020 election. Ballots cast by illegal immigrants were counted in the corrupt 2020 election. Votes were cast in the names of deap people in the corrupted 2020 election. Votes were flipped from Trump to Biden in voting machines that were examined after the election, with democrats blocking examinations of thousands of other democrat programmed, controlled, operated, and isolated voting machines in 2020. Illegitimate votes were cast by unknown numbers (quite possibly large numbers) of criminals who voted more than once in the 2020 election. And so forth.
Trump has yet to win a popular ballot. None. Lost them all.
If suspect and unverified ballots are to be blindly counted in vote totals, then Trump lost the popular vote in two elections, according to democrats opposed to essential election securities and reasonably required investigations into reports of election malfeasance.
Nobody should ever certify any election in which evidence of political party fraud exists, accompanied by the suspect party 'fighting like hell' to dismiss the evidence of fraud while forcefully resisting investigations into fraud.

nobody should claim an election was stolen when you lose every court case about it.
but you anti american haters are lying moorons lol
If suspect and unverified ballots are to be blindly counted in vote totals, then Trump lost the popular vote in two elections, according to democrats opposed to essential election securities and reasonably required investigations into reports of election malfeasance.

what are "suspect and unverified" ballots. give credible evidence of that, as evidence by a successful court case, not just whining by right wing anti american haters. lol
Nobody should ever certify any election in which evidence of political party fraud exists, accompanied by the suspect party 'fighting like hell' to dismiss the evidence of fraud while forcefully resisting investigations into fraud.
I agree. But in 60+ cases there were no evidence.
I believe the evidence shows massive democrat fraud in 2016 as well, although not enough fraudulent democrat votes were cast, primarily in big democrat election wards, to overcome Trump's massive popularity among American voters. Look into the efforts by democrat election workers and supervisors like Brenda Snipes for more info on 2016 democrat voting fraud.
First you said elections in general cannot be trusted but when you were cornered like a wet rat facing with the possibility that Trump 2016 was fraudulent you change your tune.
Trump was totally trounced in big corrupt blue Democrat election wards, but the massive number of fraudulent votes were still insufficient to overcome Trump's massive popularity across America outside the corrupt democrat political wards.

prove there was massive fraudulant votes. lol.
god you are so stupid.
If suspect and unverified ballots are to be blindly counted in vote totals, then Trump lost the popular vote in two elections, according to democrats opposed to essential election securities and reasonably required investigations into reports of election malfeasance.
Same old shit. My claim is correct and you cannot prove otherwise.
Nobody should ever certify any election in which evidence of political party fraud exists
But it doesn't because you never proved any and courts dont disprove anything. You lose again.

, accompanied by the suspect party 'fighting like hell'
It was Trump who said "fight like hell" on j6. Stop switching the blame. You're a liar.

to dismiss the evidence of fraud while forcefully resisting investigations into fraud.
The Democrat party did not stop one investigation. Before you show your link, ensure it was the democrat party itself.
nobody should claim an election was stolen when you lose every court case about it.
but you anti american haters are lying moorons lol
What are you talking about? You know no court in the nation evewr ruled that massive voting fraud did not occur.
what are "suspect and unverified" ballots. give credible evidence of that, as evidence by a successful court case, not just whining by right wing anti american haters. lol
If no court ruled on the admissability of ballots dumped into big democrat election wards without their required chain of custody records does that mean to you that no ballots were dumped into election wards without the proper verifications of legitimacy?