Joe Biden's highest deficit spending in US history

its weird how much debt trump ran up, since he claimed he was going to not only eliminate the deficit, but the debt as well. lol.

but you moooorons actually believe he is competent, instead of a lying anti-american convicted felon.
Stupidites still blame Trump for the 20 years of bad fiscal policies that plunged the US into such great debt before he took office.
Stupidites still blame Trump for the 20 years of bad fiscal policies that plunged the US into such great debt before he took office.
i blame trump for promising to eliminate the deficit and debt and utterly failing to do so.
he lied and you desperately try to deflect from his failure.
god you are stupid.
you support an antiamerican convicted felon.
Money that is not backed by a solid standard of exchange like gold is just paper money. What is stopping a country from printing a billion times more money than can be solidly backed by a certifiable medium of exchange? Germany found a hundred years ago that such schemes absolutely do not work.
nothing stops governments from printing money except exchange rates. Say Putin prints a gazillion rubles. It immediately devalues its exchange rate with dollar. And…?

Paper money, electronic/digital money…. As long as I can use them to buy food etc I am not bothered by it. You? Why?
nothing stops governments from printing money except exchange rates. Say Putin prints a gazillion rubles. It immediately devalues its exchange rate with dollar. And…?

Paper money, electronic/digital money…. As long as I can use them to buy food etc I am not bothered by it. You? Why?

Children playing with stacks of worthless German bank notes in the hyperinflation of the early 1920s.
Harris could not even pronounce “gouging”!

Really? Get some batteries for your hearing aid.
People think Trump is dictating. If people do not understand about government controlling “the retail world”, look up the past governments that tried it.
$25,000 for first time home buyers! What will happen there do you believe?
It allows them to get a home to escape thieving bastards gouging for rent prices. That's what it will do.
Hate Trump or not!
Harris is presently the vice president of the United States. She is making Biden look like an ass. Price controls do not work.
Biden is yesterday's man and has no input into what her policies will be. You're desperately trying to link Obama and Soros as some puppet master bullshit.
Chicago is boarding up their businesses for the week! Why in the hell should people have to stay home from work due to a DNC convention while people destroy a city!
You tell us why. You know everything else.
Harris is blaming corporations! Her father is a professor at Stanford, far left!

Is that illegal?
When Bernie Sanders, AOC, Warren etc back her, well there you go. Your vote, your choice, your life.

Are you stupid enough to think they would support Trump?
What conspiracy are you ready into their support?
Yes, that was stupid, but at least he tried, which has been far more than democrats have done in decades.
Another claim with no substantiation.

How did he try? By giving the super rich a high tax cut?

By charging the secret service who protecting
him exorbitant fees?

Did he in fact reduce deficit compared to obama years?
Really? Get some batteries for your hearing aid.

It allows them to get a home to escape thieving bastards gouging for rent prices. That's what it will do.

Biden is yesterday's man and has no input into what her policies will be. You're desperately trying to link Obama and Soros as some puppet master bullshit.

You tell us why. You know everything else.

Is that illegal?

Are you stupid enough to think they would support Trump?
What conspiracy are you ready into their support?
Do not need a hearing aid. Listen to her speech again. She stated “gauging”!
Of course Bernie will not back Trump!
Look at what happen with Nixon.. when he did the same. But she will not do half of what she is stating. $25,000 for new home? You speak of rent. That will just make the market go up because they know the government will give to that first time home buyer!
You can state it’s bullshit! You are full of it. Bitter! Harris was a deer in headlights presenting her economic plan! No Biden has nothing to do with it. But she states how high prices are! Does she know she is Vice President? 5 months left! lol! Funny! But sad! And you can hate Trump if you choose but for Harris to state he will impose higher taxes on items she spoke of, is a lie. He did not in 2016! He will stop other countries screwing us! But if people get their way and Harris is in, you are only age 59? Correct? Best think about it! I’m not trying to be ugly!
Watch the debate!
I say clearly tariffs increase prices. When a product cost more to manufacture, then it would cost more to buy.
It did not before when Trump was in office. More vehicles manufactured here.
As Harris stated, prices are higher now than it was before Covid. Hmmm! Her words not mine.
Government pricing can limit supply on demand. I think it would cause the problems of the Nixon years. Limited supply of gas. Waited in lines for gas! I was younger but remember that but later learned as to why.
We don’t know all of the answers. I just know with these past 4 years, it’s been different. In the banking and husband in retail world, it changed drastically! She spoke of corporations profits! Not all reached their goals! So it hurt us!
Does not make sense… but what does today?
Thanks for being civil!
It did not before when Trump was in office. More vehicles manufactured here. […]
Hmm. Of course if you put tariff on imported cars, more cars will be manufactured here. That is a given to me. “More cars were manufactured here”, however, does not speak to whether prices were increased as a result.

Say Kia is manufactured in s Korea (I am not sure if that is the case). Right now competition with Kia keeps us manufactured prices low. Now say Trump puts 100% tariff on Kia. Then Kia will be priced out of competition. People stop buying Kia and because of lack of competition us manufactured car companies will increase prices.

Again, I m not that well versed in macro economics but that is what logic tells me.
Do not need a hearing aid. Listen to her speech again. She stated “gauging”!
Of course Bernie will not back Trump!
Look at what happen with Nixon.. when he did the same. But she will not do half of what she is stating. $25,000 for new home? You speak of rent. That will just make the market go up because they know the government will give to that first time home buyer!
You can state it’s bullshit! You are full of it. Bitter! Harris was a deer in headlights presenting her economic plan! No Biden has nothing to do with it. But she states how high prices are! Does she know she is Vice President? 5 months left! lol! Funny! But sad! And you can hate Trump if you choose but for Harris to state he will impose higher taxes on items she spoke of, is a lie. He did not in 2016! He will stop other countries screwing us! But if people get their way and Harris is in, you are only age 59? Correct? Best think about it! I’m not trying to be ugly!
Watch the debate!
Who said I was 59? Surely you don't believe that.

You've got some increasing anger issues and it's not improving as the election nears.
You'd better stock up on tranquilisers old darling.
Get yourself a crash helmet because it's gonna be rough.
It did not before when Trump was in office. More vehicles manufactured here.
As Harris stated, prices are higher now than it was before Covid. Hmmm! Her words not mine.
Government pricing can limit supply on demand. I think it would cause the problems of the Nixon years. Limited supply of gas. Waited in lines for gas! I was younger but remember that but later learned as to why.
We don’t know all of the answers. I just know with these past 4 years, it’s been different. In the banking and husband in retail world, it changed drastically! She spoke of corporations profits! Not all reached their goals! So it hurt us!
Does not make sense… but what does today?
Thanks for being civil!

yes, tarrifs have always been bad overall. its economics, not an anti-trump thing.

  • Recent empirical evidence indicates the new US tariffs imposed in 2018 and 2019 were almost entirely passed on to US consumers, resulting in higher prices and reduced export growth.
  • Tariffs often lead to cascading protectionism and create a fertile ground for corruption. The 2018–2019 tariffs on China led to a complex process of exclusion requests, lobbying, and retaliatory tariffs, demonstrating the multifaceted harms of protectionist measures.

  • In The Impact of the 2018 Trade War on U.S. Prices and Welfare (NBER Working Paper 25672), Mary Amiti, Stephen J. Redding, and David Weinstein find that the costs of the new tariff structure were largely passed through as increases in U.S. prices, affecting domestic consumers and producers who buy imported goods rather than foreign exporters. The researchers estimate that the tariffs reduced real incomes by about $1.4 billion per month. Due to reduced foreign competition, domestic producer prices also increased. The prices of manufactured goods rose by one percentage point relative to a no-trade-war scenario.


One way to estimate the effect of these higher tariffs is to draw on the recent experience of the 2018 U.S. tariffs. Our recent study found that the 2018 tariffs imposed an annual cost of $419 for the typical household

How did he try? Lol
He ran up 8 trillion in debt duh
No that's not trying that'sfailing
God you are stupid lol
Trump is falsely charged with adding $8 trillion to the debt, 2/3 of which was added by democrats over republican objections but signed by Trump in a show of bipartisan cooperation compromise.