That mean I can finally burn Popeye and Pockets entire family at the stake for selling out the country to socialism you tratiorist bastards !!!
Why would you want to do that? More importantly why would you imply that Andy or I would want you to do that? I like Popeye, I don’t agree with him on almost anything but I like him very much and I have fun posting with him and arguing. I look forward to it. He is always respectful to me when he posts something unlike some here and its fun to debate with someone so polar opposite than yourself.

Or were you both thinking rush is not a traitor for supporting capitalism ...
Rush is an American and just like you or me, he has a right to say what he thinks where his country is concerned ( at least for now )
I bet you both are so intune with Authism you would were the folks who sold out their neighbors during pre WW2 russia and germany just for disliking the current regime.
I could not really understand that sentence but I would have been against my leader if I were Russian or German during WW2 and tried my best to get into the United States of America or died trying.
You both out to be hung for not supporting others rights to free speech.
I am assuming you meant that we both “aught” to be hung… You sure are into death. First you want to burn up poor Popeye and his whole family now you want to hang Andy and I. I think your post is rude and more importantly wrong. I know I don’t try to stop people from their points of view and I have never read one of Andy’s posts where he tried. Even though I think you are a highly dysfunctional person I don’t wish you burned in a fire or hung either one. I am glad you live in a country that ( For now ) you can say what you feel.
BTW I hope to god Obama fails and the dow comes crashing to a halt at 3k... I hope to god it does so I can laugh meaninglessly at the entire lot of liberals and marxists... I will be one of the first to hold up a gun and support throwing out the current status quo of our government !!!! Let there be civil war so true equality may exist again!
Great, you want to burn Popeye in a fire and his whole family, you want to hang poor Andy and myself and now you want what I have worked my entire adult life to blow away like smoke.
Ugh! I am sorry that you are so angry, I hope that things pick up for you soon
You know what I find so funny.
For 8 years republicans called liberals Un-American for talking bad about the troops and accusing them of horrible things.
Liberals cried and whined and threw out and out temper tantrums for being called Un-American. Some are still crying like school girls because someone once called them Un-American back in the day.
I am not crying about it, or whining about it or having a tantrum about it and neither was Andy.
If the new term for Un-American means those who do not want to buy into this new socialistic stuff then I proudly wear that badge.
Your post is so angry. Are you angry that we don’t mind being called Un-American? Or are you mad that we are not going along with the program?