Joe Biden's highest deficit spending in US history

so inflation isn't about..prices?
Nothing to do with Trump and tarrifs, a topic you brought up but now are desperate to deflect from lol
Harris will tax US! Tariffs will control the abuse of other countries. They want their product sold! Bulk shipping! I’m not desperate ass. You may be. Been in banking and retail world a long time. Harris are going back alright! Harris will cause a major shortage on profits etc. I understand completely! You are the radical left thinking! Harris could not even present it! Walz is for China! Look it up! You are a lost one. Go ahead. Vote for Harris!
Harris will tax US! Tariffs will control the abuse of other countries. They want their product sold! Bulk shipping! I’m not desperate ass. You may be. Been in banking and retail world a long time. Harris are going back alright! Harris will cause a major shortage on profits etc. I understand completely! You are the radical left thinking! Harris could not even present it! Walz is for China! Look it up! You are a lost one. Go ahead. Vote for Harris!
Tarrifs will hurt poor people
So rich Trump doesn't care it won't hurt him
It’s not even about prices fool! Prices will be high no matter who is in! They cannot control that. Supply is the issue! Look at the past. I don’t care what you think or laugh at. You are very ignorant to what is really going on. If you do not see it, I’m sorry for you! You will I have a feeling. Long way until November. People will make sure things happen unfortunately!
I say clearly tariffs increase prices. When a product cost more to manufacture, then it would cost more to buy.
It’s not even about prices fool! Prices will be high no matter who is in! They cannot control that. Supply is the issue! Look at the past. I don’t care what you think or laugh at. You are very ignorant to what is really going on. If you do not see it, I’m sorry for you! You will I have a feeling. Long way until November. People will make sure things happen unfortunately!
In fairness, from bls:

It is difficult to predict precisely how a protective tariff will influence prices and trade flows. It is worth keeping in mind that tariffs may have a spillover effect into other industries, as was the case in 2002 with steel tariffs. In the tire sector, U.S. tariffs resulted in shifting multi-lateral trade volumes and increasing volatility in domestic producer prices. Conversely, tariffs on U.S. exports for a wide range of goods revealed how decreased access to foreign markets for U.S. producers might affect domestic producer prices and their ability to remain competitive. As the examples described here demonstrate, the long-term impact of tariffs on domestic U.S. producer prices can be tracked using PPI data. These data, used in conjunction with other information, also can help measure the overall economic effects of tariffs.
so inflation isn't about..prices?
Yes, prices go up and inflation goes up. The thing about inflation, however, is the numbers are cumulative. Inflation went up 8% in Biden's 1st year, for example. Inflation went up less the next year but that did not mean inflation went back down. If inflation only went up 6% in Biden's 2nd year then that did not mean inflation had dropped to 6%, but that inflation was now 8% + 6% = 14%.
Tarrifs will hurt poor people
So rich Trump doesn't care it won't hurt him
Worse than tariffs, massive excessive government pork spending has driven the cost of goods up tremendously, which has hit the poorest of the poor far worse than others the democrats are obviously more concerned about.


I say clearly tariffs increase prices. When a product cost more to manufacture, then it would cost more to buy.
Exactly. Likewise, shutting off oil distribution and production causes shortages that drive transportation costs up substantially, especially for those poor people who cannot afford the expensive EVs.
Yes, prices go up and inflation goes up. The thing about inflation, however, is the numbers are cumulative. Inflation went up 8% in Biden's 1st year, for example. Inflation went up less the next year but that did not mean inflation went back down. If inflation only went up 6% in Biden's 2nd year then that did not mean inflation had dropped to 6%, but that inflation was now 8% + 6% = 14%.
Yes duh
The point here is that tarrifs are equivalent to a tax
They hurt consumers via higher prices

Your post had noth8ng to do with tarrifs
God you are stupid
Yes, prices go up and inflation goes up. The thing about inflation, however, is the numbers are cumulative. Inflation went up 8% in Biden's 1st year, for example. Inflation went up less the next year but that did not mean inflation went back down. If inflation only went up 6% in Biden's 2nd year then that did not mean inflation had dropped to 6%, but that inflation was now 8% + 6% = 14%.
Well your math is not quite right but so what? Who didn’t know that?

I admit I do not understand macro economics well but I am not sure inflation, when moderate, when predictable, when managed, is a bad thing. Exception: if you are on a fixed income, inflation will hurt you.

FTR: I also do not think printing money when controlled is a bad thing.
Well your math is not quite right but so what? Who didn’t know that?

I admit I do not understand macro economics well but I am not sure inflation, when moderate, when predictable, when managed, is a bad thing. Exception: if you are on a fixed income, inflation will hurt you.

FTR: I also do not think printing money when controlled is a bad thing.
Money that is not backed by a solid standard of exchange like gold is just paper money. What is stopping a country from printing a billion times more money than can be solidly backed by a certifiable medium of exchange? Germany found a hundred years ago that such schemes absolutely do not work.
Money that is not backed by a solid standard of exchange like gold is just paper money. What is stopping a country from printing a billion times more money than can be solidly backed by a certifiable medium of exchange? Germany found a hundred years ago that such schemes absolutely do not work.
and that's what we have. paper money. its not backed by gold or anything but the "full faith and credit of the us government".
and that's what we have. paper money. its not backed by gold or anything but the "full faith and credit of the us government".
World credit ratings agencies have lowered the US credit rating twice in US history; once under Obama and again under Biden. So much for the crumbling "full faith and credit of the us government."
World credit ratings agencies have lowered the US credit rating twice in US history; once under Obama and again under Biden. So much for the crumbling "full faith and credit of the us government."

we have not defaulted on bonds. the "full faith and credit" continues.
god you are an economic morooon. lol
we have not defaulted on bonds. the "full faith and credit" continues.
god you are an economic morooon. lol
What most Americans are not generally aware of is how deeply the US is in debt and how dangerous that debt is to future American business as usual expectations.
What most Americans are not generally aware of is how deeply the US is in debt and how dangerous that debt is to future American business as usual expectations.

its weird how much debt trump ran up, since he claimed he was going to not only eliminate the deficit, but the debt as well. lol.

but you moooorons actually believe he is competent, instead of a lying anti-american convicted felon.