Joe Biden's highest deficit spending in US history

You would not know false from fact if it went through your skull.

how about this undeniable fact: during Trump administration, 8 trillion was added to the debt? And every one of those dollars has his signature on them.
Trump signed large House budget bills just as did Obama and Biden. So?
Trump increased deficit and increased debt. And inflation under Biden is low.

Bon appetite!
Dummies don't understand that reductions in the rate of inflation increases still increase inflation. Biden's inflation is miles higher than Trump's ever was.
Yeah, Ol' Barney Frank, he caused it all, and we all know why: 'cause he was GAY and gay people are all Communists who live to destroy economies.
Barney apologized for preventing Republicans from addressing the impending Fannie and Freddie disaster years before the Fannie and Freddie boondoggle home mortgage fiasco caused the massive 2008 banking collapse.
you would lie about what “full control” is. You lie all the time.
Both Biden and Obama enjoyed Democrat control of both Houses for two years during which nobody did anything to correct the fake 'tax advantages for the rich,' or address the rising illegal immigration crisis.
Trump signed House bills raising the US debt by around $8 trillion, just like both Obama and Biden did. So what is your point?
You lie all the time. Here, bon appetite!

From the beginning of Donald Trump’s presidency in 2017 to its end in 2021, the national debt increased by 40.43%, about $8.18 trillion, according to the U.S. Treasury Department.

As of April 5, 2024, the national debt has grown by about $6.17 trillion, or 21.7%, since Joe Biden was inaugurated in 2021, according to the U.S. Treasury Department.
George W. Bush, who also served two terms, increased the national debt by $6.1 trillion, about 105%, which comes out to an average of $3.05 trillion per term.

During Bill Clinton’s term from 1993 to 2001, the debt grew by $5.81 trillion.

Obama 8.34 T

G W Bush 6.10 T

Clinton 1.40 T
Barney apologized for preventing Republicans from addressing the impending Fannie and Freddie disaster years before the Fannie and Freddie boondoggle home mortgage fiasco caused the massive 2008 banking collapse.
Provide a direct quote or it did not happen.
You lie all the time. Here, bon appetite!

From the beginning of Donald Trump’s presidency in 2017 to its end in 2021, the national debt increased by 40.43%, about $8.18 trillion, according to the U.S. Treasury Department.

As of April 5, 2024, the national debt has grown by about $6.17 trillion, or 21.7%, since Joe Biden was inaugurated in 2021, according to the U.S. Treasury Department.
George W. Bush, who also served two terms, increased the national debt by $6.1 trillion, about 105%, which comes out to an average of $3.05 trillion per term.

During Bill Clinton’s term from 1993 to 2001, the debt grew by $5.81 trillion.

Obama 8.34 T

G W Bush 6.10 T

Clinton 1.40 T
So Obama is the winner of the greatest debt increaser? Do democrat House members who wrote the budgets that resulted in the lowering of the US credit rating under Obama and again under Biden deserve any credit for their reckless spending that was condemned by bank regulators?
So Obama is the winner of the greatest debt increaser? Do democrat House members who wrote the budgets that resulted in the lowering of the US credit rating under Obama and again under Biden deserve any credit for their reckless spending that was condemned by bank regulators?
No. How do you figure? More lies?
Just because some low information person is ignorant of the facts does not mean the factual events did not occur.

  • Barney Frank used influence to block regulation of Fannie Mae, 5-26-11

  • Barney Frank haunted by stance on Fannie Mae, 10-14-10
That was not your claim you liar.