Joe Biden's highest deficit spending in US history

Democrats led by Barney Frank and urged on by Barack Obama and ACORN and signed by Clinton in 2000 eliminated home lending credit requirements so blacks could buy more homes and that led to the 2008 worldwide financial meltdown.
So it was the blacks fault?
No racism there. Apart from the fact the banks were haemoraging excess funds to lend after massive profits bought in my GWB.
So it was the blacks fault?
No racism there. Apart from the fact the banks were haemoraging excess funds to lend after massive profits bought in my GWB.
No, it was not the fault of blacks or of other racists or races. The fault was the Marxist plan to offer unjust or unreasonable benefits to blacks at the expense of unassailable free market principles. 2-29-16

A History of the Clintons and Black Homeownership

It is obvious that the Clintons had no idea that encouraging an increase in Black homeownership would lead to 2008s financial crisis. I'm sure that was not their intention. However, it is fair to question the judgment of politicians who enact good policies that end up having negative consequences.

It's ALWAYS so amusing.....schooling the least-educated on The Meltdown!
See: 4:45 thru 12:00
No, it was not the fault of blacks or of other racists or races. The fault was the Marxist plan to offer unjust or unreasonable benefits to blacks at the expense of unassailable free market principles. 2-29-16

A History of the Clintons and Black Homeownership

It is obvious that the Clintons had no idea that encouraging an increase in Black homeownership would lead to 2008s financial crisis. I'm sure that was not their intention. However, it is fair to question the judgment of politicians who enact good policies that end up having negative consequences.
Gwb presided for 8 years and your blaming the Clintons. Don't make me laugh.
No, it was not the fault of blacks or of other racists or races. The fault was the Marxist plan to offer unjust or unreasonable benefits to blacks at the expense of unassailable free market principles. 2-29-16

A History of the Clintons and Black Homeownership

It is obvious that the Clintons had no idea that encouraging an increase in Black homeownership would lead to 2008s financial crisis. I'm sure that was not their intention. However, it is fair to question the judgment of politicians who enact good policies that end up having negative consequences.
marxist. lol

define "marxist" and show how it applies here, lying moooron lool
marxist. lol

define "marxist" and show how it applies here, lying moooron lool
Marxism - Wikipedia
Karl Marx
Black Lives Matters Goes Full Marxist ( 4-19-21

Our Marxist Politics: A Political Revolution conquering the USA ( 4-6-17

Alinsky Marxism is a variant of Progressive Marxism that concentrates on grass-roots organizing of pre-revolutionary Useful Idiots and Agent Provocateurs. It also organizes not-so-grass-roots higher educated disciples to infiltrate institutions, and take them down from the inside. Two of the institutions so targeted are the Catholic Church and the American Government.

Madam Hillary is an Alinsky Progressive Marxist who leans more to Hegelian Progressivism. Comrade Obama (peace be upon him) is an Alinsky Progressive Marxist who leans more to Machiavellian Revolution.

The real problem is how few Americans see any problem with all this obvious Marxist Progressivism. No one even sees it as anti-American.
The push to make homes more affordable for blacks resulted in the deregulation of the mortgage industry that led to the 2008 banking collapse.
Every financial institution has mortgage regulations and they were never deregulated. The lenders were shovelling money out the door and reduced lending qualifications.
That's what caused it but you wouldn't know.
Marxism - Wikipedia
Karl Marx
Black Lives Matters Goes Full Marxist ( 4-19-21

Our Marxist Politics: A Political Revolution conquering the USA ( 4-6-17

Alinsky Marxism is a variant of Progressive Marxism that concentrates on grass-roots organizing of pre-revolutionary Useful Idiots and Agent Provocateurs. It also organizes not-so-grass-roots higher educated disciples to infiltrate institutions, and take them down from the inside. Two of the institutions so targeted are the Catholic Church and the American Government.

Madam Hillary is an Alinsky Progressive Marxist who leans more to Hegelian Progressivism. Comrade Obama (peace be upon him) is an Alinsky Progressive Marxist who leans more to Machiavellian Revolution.

The real problem is how few Americans see any problem with all this obvious Marxist Progressivism. No one even sees it as anti-American.
more cut and paste. "wow".

i notice that again, you failed to show how it applied to this situation that you were whining about.
because that would require intelligence on your part lol
Every financial institution has mortgage regulations and they were never deregulated. The lenders were shovelling money out the door and reduced lending qualifications.
That's what caused it but you wouldn't know.

Deregulation Unleashes Wall Street to Prey on Investors, Consumers and All Hard-Working Americans

Presented at the Global Shareholder Activism Conference November 30-December 1, 2017 Dennis M. Kelleher President and CEO Better Markets, Inc.[1] As proved by the financial crash of 2008, the consequences of deregulation are catastrophic for investors, consumers, the financial system, the economy and all Americans. That crash caused the worst …