Joe Biden's highest deficit spending in US history

All a part of their plan! Puppet masters etc. People just don’t understand controlled systems in the retail world will hurt many. Harris stated taxes by Trump. No he charges tariffs on China, Hong Kong, etc which most of our crap we all buy is stamped by a foreign country!

Tarrifs are equivalent to taxes
They raise prices on consumer goods
This is why it’s negotiated on the shipping end so they don’t try to screw us as they have by even buying from them. It’s sad that America even let it happened, period!
This is why it’s negotiated on the shipping end so they don’t try to screw us as they have by even buying from them. It’s sad that America even let it happened, period!
Well you can try to negotiate
But prices will go up

Trump’s Tariff Plan Will Raise Prices for Consumers

Trump is a populist not a conservative
As a rich person higher prices won't hurt him
He doesn't care about you as long as you vote for him
All a part of their plan! Puppet masters etc. People just don’t understand controlled systems in the retail world will hurt many. Harris stated taxes by Trump. No he charges tariffs on China, Hong Kong, etc which most of our crap we all buy is stamped by a foreign country!

And those countries reciprocated with like wise.
You're point is?
Thanks for the link. A few comments:

- it is interesting that you accept these numbers from the gov but poo poo anything else that makes Trump look bad.
- so the percent change of the index is higher for Biden than Trump. Trump vs Obama? I am not sure whether this number should be more important than inflation. I feel that if this was the reverse you would declare inflation is the most important measure. As result of your own actions you have no credibility with me. However figures don’t lie but liars figure. And in my book you are a consummate liar.
Thanks for the link. A few comments:

- it is interesting that you accept these numbers from the gov but poo poo anything else that makes Trump look bad.
- so the percent change of the index is higher for Biden than Trump. Trump vs Obama? I am not sure whether this number should be more important than inflation. I feel that if this was the reverse you would declare inflation is the most important measure. As result of your own actions you have no credibility with me. However figures don’t lie but liars figure. And in my book you are a consummate liar.
I can accept or deny reports but I see no significance in claiming I would either accept or deny this report for whatever reason.
Well you can try to negotiate
But prices will go up

Trump’s Tariff Plan Will Raise Prices for Consumers

Trump is a populist not a conservative
As a rich person higher prices won't hurt him
He doesn't care about you as long as you vote for him
Harris could not even pronounce “gouging”! People think Trump is dictating. If people do not understand about government controlling “the retail world”, look up the past governments that tried it.
$25,000 for first time home buyers! What will happen there do you believe?
Hate Trump or not!
Harris is presently the vice president of the United States. She is making Biden look like an ass. Price controls do not work.

Chicago is boarding up their businesses for the week! Why in the hell should people have to stay home from work due to a DNC convention while people destroy a city!

Harris is blaming corporations! Her father is a professor at Stanford, far left! When Bernie Sanders, AOC, Warren etc back her, well there you go. Your vote, your choice, your life.
Harris could not even pronounce “gouging”! People think Trump is dictating. If people do not understand about government controlling “the retail world”, look up the past governments that tried it.
$25,000 for first time home buyers! What will happen there do you believe?
Hate Trump or not!
Harris is presently the vice president of the United States. She is making Biden look like an ass. Price controls do not work.

Chicago is boarding up their businesses for the week! Why in the hell should people have to stay home from work due to a DNC convention while people destroy a city!

Harris is blaming corporations! Her father is a professor at Stanford, far left! When Bernie Sanders, AOC, Warren etc back her, well there you go. Your vote, your choice, your life.
Lol alk totally irrelevant blather in response to my post
Trump is going to lower prices by... tarrifs which raise prices lolololololol
Lol alk totally irrelevant blather in response to my post
Trump is going to lower prices by... tarrifs which raise prices lolololololol
It’s not even about prices fool! Prices will be high no matter who is in! They cannot control that. Supply is the issue! Look at the past. I don’t care what you think or laugh at. You are very ignorant to what is really going on. If you do not see it, I’m sorry for you! You will I have a feeling. Long way until November. People will make sure things happen unfortunately!
It’s not even about prices fool! Prices will be high no matter who is in! They cannot control that. Supply is the issue! Look at the past. I don’t care what you think or laugh at. You are very ignorant to what is really going on. If you do not see it, I’m sorry for you! You will I have a feeling. Long way until November. People will make sure things happen unfortunately!

so inflation isn't about..prices?