Investigation uncovers fact that Cuomo lied about COVID and thousands died

Don't be dense. Perhaps you are unaware of the facts but democrats of all stripes and positions irresponsibly blamed Trump for the covid deaths he had nothing to do with. Democrats lie all the time. Even fact checkers quoted by democrats admit the truth about democrat dishonesty.

Democrats’ Misleading Coronavirus Claims​

You were talking about people blaming Trump instead of Cuomo and the only person you named was Cuomo himself duh
Talk about being dense
god you are stupid
But you can't prove I'm wrong. You defend him without evidence of his innocence. He was the POTUS at the time and should take the blame as you blamed Biden for everything else. You can't have it both ways sucker.
There are no rational reason for blaming Trump for deaths he had no control over.
So don't vote for Cuomo.

Trump screwed up the way that Covid was managed. That is why the ratbastard LOST in 2020!
Trump ordered Fauci to stop funding Wuhan long before the breakout of the Wuhan (covid) virus and Fauci refused for a while to obey Trump's orders. If you must blame someone for covid you should start with Fauci.
Trump ordered Fauci to stop funding Wuhan long before the breakout of the Wuhan (covid) virus and Fauci refused for a while to obey Trump's orders. If you must blame someone for covid you should start with Fauci.
Prove fauci had anything to do with covid, lying moooron
Which part was socialism?
Be careful because this is the one I'm very good at.
Redistribution of wealth schemes, leveling of income inequality schemes, rich government funding of blacks schemes disguised as reparations, advantages in hiring given to blacks and women of color schemes, and more.
Redistribution of wealth schemes,
Which wealth schemes belonging to private individuals were redistributed?

leveling of income inequality schemes,
You mean giving g people a decent wage to live on.

rich government funding of blacks schemes disguised as reparations,

Would you quote the instances and the events surrounding that.

advantages in hiring given to blacks and women of color schemes, and more.
That's because white arseholes don't want to work.
But that is hardly socialism.